 「超国家主義団体の解体の指令」(ちょうこっかしゅぎだんたいのかいたいのしれい)は、昭和時代前期の太平洋戦争後の連合軍占領下において、「ポツダム宣言」の第6条「日本国国民を欺瞞し、之をして世界征服の挙に出づるの過誤を犯さしめたる者の権力及び勢力は、永久に除去せられざるべからず」に基づき、1946年(昭和21)1月4日に出された、GHQの連合国最高司令官指令第548号(SCAPIN-548)のことでした。英語名は、「Abolition of Certain Political Parties, Associations, Societies and Other Organizations」と言います。

〇GHQ「超国家主義団体の解体の指令」 (全文)  1946年(昭和21)1月4日GHQ指示 


AG 091 (4 Jan 46) GS      APO 500
(SCAPIN-548)        4 January 1946

THROUGH:Central Liaison Office, Tokyo.
Subject:Abolition of Certain Political Parties, Associations, Societies and Other Organizations.

1. You will prohibit the formation of any political party, association, society or other organization and any activity on the part of any of them or of any individual or group whose purpose, or the effect of whose activity, is the following.
a. Resistance or opposition to the Occupation Forces or to orders issued by the Japanese Government in response to directives of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, or,
b. Support or justification of aggressive Japanese military action abroad, or;
c. Arrogation by Japan of leadership of other Asiatic, Indonesian or Malayan peoples, or;
d. Exclusion of foreign persons in Japan from trade, commerce or the exercise of their professions, or;
e. Opposition to a free cultural or intellectual exchange between Japan and foreign countries, or;
f. Affording military or quasi-military training, or providing benefits, greater than similar civilian benefits, or special representation for persons formerly members of the Army or Navy, or perpetuation of militarism or a martial spirit in Japan, or;
g. Alteration of policy by assassination or other terroristic programs, or encouragement or justification of a tradition favoring such methods.

2. List of organizations, some or all of whose purposes are prescribed under the provisions of paragraph 1 above is given in Appendix A to this Memorandum. This list will not be regarded as inclusive The organizations listed in that appendix and other organizations, whose purposes or activities are those above mentioned or similar to them, will be immediately dissolved, together with any organizations which they control or with which they are affiliated.

3. a. You will take such action immediately as may be required to prevent all transactions involving property owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by any organization dissolved or to be dissolved in accord with this Memorandum or of the type enumerated in paragraph 1 hereof. All such property, including all books, files and records of such organizations, will be seized and held in your custody. You will obtain complete records of all such property and will keep them available for inspection as public records, Officials receiving such records will be held personally responsible for their safe keeping and use in accord with this Memorandum. Any such property which is capable of use for the production of food, shelter or other necessities of life will be exploited as promptly as possible for those purposes.
b. You will promptly obtain and submit to this Headquarters the name and address and the position held by each person who has, at any time since 7, July 1937, served as an officer of any organization dissolved in accord with this Memorandum. Such information will also be kept available as a public record. Complete membership lists will also be furnished.

4. You will enact appropriate laws or ordinances to carry out the terms of this Memorandum and to prevent further activities contrary to its terms.

5. Until further order of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, any organization shall be deemed, regardless of its declared purposes, to further purposes or activities contrary to the terms of this memorandum if:
a. Any of its principal officers were (i) members of organizations abolished in accord with this order, or (ii) former commissioned officers of the Imperial Japanese Regular Army or Navy or the Special Volunteer Reserve, who have been on active duty since 1 January 1930, or (iii) any person who has served in or with the military police (Kempei-Tai) or Naval Police, the TOKUMU KIKAN, KAIGUN TOKUMU BU, or other special or secret intelligence or military or naval police organizations.
b. Its membsrship includes more than twenty-five percent of persons who were formerly members of an organization or organizations abolished or prohibited in pursuance of this Memorandum.

6. You will forbid the formation or activity of any party, society, organization, association or group whose purpose or activity consists of:
a. Proposing or supporting candidates for public office.
b. Influencing the policy of Government, or
c. The discussion of the relations between Japan and foreign powers, unless it shall first have filed a declaration of (a) its name, (b) its purposes, (c) the address of its principal offices, (d) the names and addresses of its officers together with a statement as to their military or police service and the names of any associations, societies or parties of which they are or have been members, (e) the names and addresses of substantial financial supporters and the amounts of their respective contributions, (f) a roster of the names and addresses of its membership in the office of the mayor of the town or city in which it has or intends to have its principal office. Such declarations will be kept up to date as changes in purposes and membership occur. Declarations with regard to changes of membership and substantial contributions will be made as required by the Supreme Commander; reports of changes in officers or purposes will be made immediately. You will direct that the mayor of any town or city receiving such a declaration or any change forward two copies to an appropriate office of the Imperial Japanese Government in Tokyo. Both the original and one of the copies of such declarations will be kept available for public inspection at all times during ordinary business hours. No fees will be charged in connection with any of the foregoing and thh procedure fixed for filing such declarations shall be such as to make compliance with these directions as simple and easy as possible.
The provisions of this paragraph which require the filing of a roster of the names and addresses of members will not apply to groups or other organizations of workers or employees who meet for the purpose of the discussion of questions relating to wages, hours and working conditions or the choice of persons to represent them in negotiation with their employers in connection with such questions.

7. The purpose of the provisions of paragraph 6 of this Memorandum is to secure public knowledge of the character of political organizations in Japan and to prevent the formation of secret, militaristic, ultra-nationalistic and anti-democratic societies and organizations. It shall not be interpreted nor shall it be applied in a manner which interferes with freedom of assemble, speech or religion except with respect to the purposes and activities specifically mentioned herein.

8. You will present your program for the execution of the directions of this Memorandum, together with any laws, ordinances or orders to be issued in accord with it, for the approval of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Any laws or ordinances which you will enact in compliance with this Memorandum will provide that upon such approval they will be effective from the date of this Memorandum, regardless of the date of their enactment.

           Asst Adjutant General


List of Organizations to be Abolished referred to in Paragraph 2 of the Memorandum to the Imperial Japanese Government AG 091 (4 Jan 46) GS.
Note: This list does not include all of the organizations which are to be dissolved in accord with the directions of the above Memorandum.
1. DAI NIPPON ISSHIN-KAI (Great Japan Renovation Society)
2. DAI NIPPON KOA RENMEI (Great Japan Rising Asia Alliance) and all its affiliated organizations.
3. DAI NIPPON SEISANTO (Great Japan Production Party)
4. DAI NIPPON SEKISEI-KAI (Greater Japan True-hearted Society)
5. DAI TOA KYOKAI (Greater East Asia Association)
6. DAITO JUKU (Eastern Academy)
7. GENRON HOKOKU KAI (Literary Patriotic Society)
8. GENYOSHA (Dark Ocean Society)
9. JIKYOKU KAIGI KAI (Current Affairs Discussion Society)
10. KAKUMEI-SO (The House of the Cry of the Crane)
11. KENKOKU-KAI (National Foundation Society)
12. KINKEI GAKUIN (Golden Pheasant Institute)
13. KOKURYUKAI (Black Dragon Society)
14. KOKUSAI HANKYO RENMEI (Anti-Communist League)
15. KOKUSAI SEIKEI GAKKAI (International Political Economic Society)
16. KOKUSUI TAISHUTO (Ultranationalist Party)
17. KOKUTAI YOGO RENGO KAI (Notional State Protection League)
18. MEIRIN-KAI (Higher Ethics Society)
19. MIZUHO CLUB (Mizuho-archaic poetic term for Japan, literally “French Rice Plant”)
20. SONJO DOSHIKAI (Loyalist Comrades Society)
21. TAIKA KAI (Great Change Society)
22. TENKOKAI (Heavenly Action Society)
23. TOA RENMEI (East Asia League)
24. TOHO DOSHIKAI (Far Eastern Comrades Association)
25. TOHO KAI (Eastern Society)
26. YAMATO MUSUBI HONSHA (Yamato Solidarity Headquarters) or (Japanese Knot)
27. ZEN NIPPON SEINEN KURABU (All Japan Young Men’s Club)





一 日本國政府は、その目的又はその活動の結果が左の事項に該當する政黨、協會、結社、その他の團體の結成並にそれらの團體又は個人若は集團の活動を禁止しなければならない。

二 第一項の條項の中で指定したやうな目的を、全部の場合は勿論一部でも持つてゐる團體は、この覺書に添へた附錄Aに表記されてゐる。その表は全部を網羅したものではない。右の附錄に記載してある團體と、右に述べたやうな目的を持つたり、活動をしたりする團體、又はこれに類似する目的活動を持つ團體は、直ちに解散しなければならない。又以上の團體が支配して居る團體若はそれらと密接な關係を持つてゐる團體も同樣解散しなければならない。

三 (a)日本國政府はこの覺書によつて解散された團體、又は解散しなければならない團體、更に又この覺書の第一項に擧げた種類の團體が、直接間接に、全體又はその一部を所有したり支配したりしてゐる資產に關する取引を完全に抑へる爲めに必要な處置を直ちに取らねばならない。このやうな資產はその團體の帳簿、綴込書類、記錄と一緖に接收して、日本政府が保管しなければならない。尙日本政府は、右に述べた資產について完全な記錄を作り、公の記錄として何時でも檢閲を受けられるやうしておかねばならない。これらの記錄を受け取る官吏は、それを安全に保管することに對して、個人として責任を持たねばならぬ。食糧とか、家屋とか、その他日常生活必需品の生產に使用出來る資產は總て、出來るだけ早くその目的に副ふやう利用せねばならない。

四 この覺書の條項を實施する爲め又今後この規定に反する活動をさせない爲めに、適當な法律なり法令を發布しなければならない。

五 聯合國最高司令官から改めて指令の出る迄は、どのやうな團體でも、又その宣言した目的に關係なく、左に述べる項目に當てはまるときは、この覺書に反した目的活動を促進するものと見做される。

六 次に述べるやうな目的と活動を持つて成立してゐる政黨、結社、團體、協會又は集團はその結成又は活動を禁止しなければならぬ。

七 この覺書第六項の規定は、日本の政治團體の性格について一般公衆に間違ひのない知識を持たせ、祕密的な、軍國主義的な超國家主義的な、又は反民主主義的な結社や團體の結成を防止することを目的とするものである。この規定は、特にこの覺書の中で述べてゐる目的や活動に關係するものを除き、集會、言論、宗敎等の自由に干涉するもののやうに解釋してはならない。又それらの自由に干涉するやうに適用されてはならない。

八 日本國政府は、この覺書の指令を實施する爲めの計畫に、この指令に基いて發布しようとする法律、勅令或は命令を添え、聯合國最高司令部に提出して、その承認を受けねばならない。尙この覺書に基いて、日本國政府の發布する法律や命令が、聯合國最高司令官の承認を受けた場合は、すべてその發布の日の如何に拘らずこの覺書の發せられた日から有効となることを規定せねばならない。




