




・1874年(明治7) 郵政事務が内務省の管轄となったが、1885年に農商務省へ移管、川路利良主導による警察制度の整備の一環として警視庁創設、川路は初代大警視(後に警視総監)に就任する
・1877年(明治10) 廃止された教部省の所管を引き継ぎ、社寺局を設置、宗教政策も管轄する
・1878年(明治11) 大久保利通の死後伊藤博文が内務卿に就任する
・1884年(明治17) 地理局が所管していた大三角測量業務を参謀本部の管轄に移管、以後地理局は地誌編纂を主な業務とすることとなる
・1885年(明治18) 内閣制実施で内閣に属するようになり、山縣有朋が初代大臣となり、全国の府県知事などの高官の任免権を握り、地方行政の中核を担った
・1886年(明治19)2月27日 勅令により、衛生局を設置し、衛生・医務の2課を設ける
・1890年(明治23) 鉄道庁が外局となるが、1892年に逓信省に移管される
・1900年(明治33) 社寺局を、神社局と宗教局に分割。前者は、国家神道政策を司ることとなる
・1911年(明治44) 「大逆事件(幸徳事件)」を機に内務省警保局保安課の下の警視庁に特別高等警察、いわゆる「特高警察」を置く
・1913年(大正2) 宗教局を文部省へ移管する
・1920年(大正9) 労働運動、農民運動の高まりを受け、社会局を新設する
・1924年(大正13) 前年の関東大震災を受けて内閣に設置された帝都復興院を縮小し、内務省に復興局を設置する
・1925年(大正14) 「治安維持法」が公布される
・1933年(昭和8) ゴーストップ事件が起きる
・1937年(昭和12) 内閣情報局と内務・文部両省を計画主務庁として、国民精神総動員運動を開始する
・1938年(昭和13) 衛生局と社会局が厚生省として分離独立、「国家総動員法」が制定される
・1940年(昭和15) 大政翼賛会が発足、地方長官は翼賛会の地方支部長を兼ね、地方自治体の末端組織・翼賛体制の下部組織として部落会・町内会の組織化が進む
・1941年(昭和16) 土木局・計画局(大臣官房都市計画課の後身)を国土局・防空局に改組する
・1942年(昭和17) 拓務省廃止により、外地に関する事務が内務省に移管される
・1943年(昭和18) 港湾事務を運輸通信省に移管。東京都制が施行される
・1945年(昭和20) 防空事務・政府による検閲・特別高等警察などを廃止する
・1946年(昭和21) 連合国軍総司令部(GHQ)によって内務省幹部や警察・特高警察関係者などの公職追放が命じられ、神祇院(神社局の後身)を廃止、都道府県知事は公選制となる
・1947年(昭和22)12月31日 GHQの指導もあり、地方自治の要請と従来中央集権的官僚行政の中枢であったことなどの理由で廃止され、その機能は、国家公安委員会(警察庁)、建設省、総理府、地方財政委員会、全国選挙管理委員会等に分割される


このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 mixiチェック

 連合国軍最高司令官総司令部(れんごうこくぐんさいこうしれいかんそうしれいぶ)は、太平洋戦争後の1945年(昭和20)に、連合国軍が日本を占領・管理するための最高司令部として設置したるので、英語名をGeneral Headquarters, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powersと言い、GHQと略称で呼ばれました。







・6月25日:朝鮮戦争勃発(- 1953年)。アメリカ合衆国軍とイギリス連邦占領軍が大韓民国を支援するため出動し、日本が前線基地となる




このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 mixiチェック




AG 400 (22 Nov 45) PH    22 November 1945

THROUGH:Central Liaison Office, Tokyo.
SUBJECT:Reserve supplies Held for Relief Distribution.

1. Receipt is acknowledged of your memorandum, file number 372, dated 26 October 1945 on the subject of materials, supplies and equipment to be turned over to the Imperial Japanese Government by the Allied Forces.
2. The Imperial Japanese Government will furnish this headquarters without delay a detailed inventory of all stocks of staple foodstuffs and clothing listed in paragraph 3 (1) and 3 (2) of memorandum number 372, showing their exact location within each prefecture.
3. Prior to the distribution of any of the listed foodstuffs and clothing, and before 15 December 1945 a distribution plan will be submitted by the Imperial Japanese Government to this headquarters for approval. This plan will make provision for:
a. Control of relief distribution to be exercised by a central agency operating through prefectural governments.
b. A social welfare agency in each prefecture staffed by perfonnel selected for their training and skill in the handling of welfare problems, and specifically not for their present or former military or naval status;
c. Eligibility for receipt of relief supplies based only upon individual need determined by family budgetary deficiency:
d. Prevention of the use of supplies in mass feeding or distribution schemes without specific authority from this headquarters;
e. Issuance of relief supplies without cost to the recipient;
f. The maintenance of a record for each family to whom supplies are issued containing necessary identifying data;
g. Distribuiion through normal ration channels by withdrawal authorizations issued by the Social Welfare Agency.
h. Local accounting based upon the individual record (item f.) and individual withdrawal authorizations (item g.)
i. Submission by the central agency to this headquarters of a monthly report in metric weights showing by prefecture.
(1) Amount of supplies by item on hand at beginning of each month.
(2) Supplies added to stock during the month by source.
(3) Supplies withdrawn during the month indicating amount issued free to needy persons and amount withdrawn for other reasons (such as spoilage and transfer)
(4) Amount of each item on hand at end of the month.
(5) Number of families, and persons (dependants) represented in those families, to whom supplies were issued during the month.
(6) Totals of above items for all prefectures.

       Colonel, A.G.D.,
       Asst Adjutant General.

      「国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション」よりGENERAL HEADQUARTERS




1. 連合国軍より日本帝国政府に引渡されるべき資材、需品及び裝備の件に関する一九四五年一〇月二六日附貴政府覚書第三七二号を受領した。
2. 日本帝国政府は、覚書第三七二号の第三項(1)及び第三項(2)に列記されてゐる主要食糧及び衣料の一切の在庫につきその詳細目録を遲滯なく本司令部に提出しなければならない。尚これには各府県內に於ける正確な所在地をも示すことを要する。
3. 列記された食料及び衣料の配給に先立ち、又一九四五年一二月一五日以前に、配分計画案が日本帝国政府より本司令部に提出され承認を受けることを要する。この計画案は以下各項を規定しなければならない。
a. 府県庁を通じて運用される中央機関による救済配給の統制管理
b. 特に現在の又は従来の陸海軍に於ける地位のためではなく、厚生関係諸問題の処理に於ける訓練と技量のために選ばれた人員を職員とする各府県社会厚生機関
c. 家庭予算の不足によつて決定される個人的必要のみを基礎とした救済物資受給資格
d. 物資の多数給食に使用されることの防止、及び本司令部の特定認可なき配給予定計画の防止
e. 受給者に入費をかけざる救済物資の配布
f. 物資の配給を受けた各家庭に対する記録の保存、これには必要な確認資料を含むこと
g. 社会厚生機関によつて発行された引取認可による正常配給機構を通ずる配給
h. 個々の記録(f項)と個々の引取認可(g項)を基礎とした各地方の詳細報吿
i. 府県別に以下の各項を示すメートル屯単位による月次報吿の中央機関による当司令部への提出
(1) 各月頭初に於ける手持物資の項目別数量
(2) 補給源別にその月中に在庫に追加された物資
(3) 無料で窮民に配布された量及びその他の理由(例へば腐敗及び移動等で引取られた量を示すその月中の引取物資)
(4) 月末手持の各項目の数量
(5) その月中に物資の配布を受けた家族数及びそれら家族に表はされてゐる個人(家族員)員数
(6) 全府県に対する上記項目の総計




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・8月15日 英仏米ソの4カ国が、国際軍事裁判所条例に調印し、平和に対する罪、戦争犯罪、人道に対する罪の3つの罪が規定される
・8月15日 玉音放送によって終戦の勅書が放送され、太平洋戦争の敗戦が国民に知らされる
・9月11日 連合国軍最高司令官総司令部(GHQ)が39名の戦争犯罪人の逮捕を実行する


・1月19日 マッカーサーが国際軍事裁判所条例をもとに、「極東国際軍事裁判所条例」を制定する
・2月15日 マッカーサーが東京裁判における9名の判事を選出、裁判長は豪州のウェップが努める事となる
・5月3日 東京裁判がはじまり、A級戦犯28名が起訴される


・1月8日 マッカーサーが昭和天皇を不起訴にする事を決める
・3月2日 最終弁論が始まる
・4月15日 最終弁論が終わる
・11月4日 判決が言い渡しが始まる
・11月11日 A級戦犯の25人の被告に有罪判決(内7名が死刑)が下る
・12月9日  極東国際軍事裁判所が閉鎖する
・12月23日 東条英機、広田弘毅元首相ら7人の絞首刑が実行される
・12月24日 岸信介元首相ら、A級戦犯とされたものの、起訴されなかった19名が釈放される


このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 mixiチェック


〇「改正憲法草案(マッカーサー草案)」 1946年(昭和21)2月13日手交



We, the Japanese People, acting through our duly elected representatives in the National Diet, determined that we shall secure for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful cooperation with all nations and the blessings of liberty throughout this land, and resolved that never again shall we be visited with the horrors of war through the action of government, do proclaim the sovereignty of the people's will and do ordain and establish this Constitution, founded upon the universal principle that government is a sacred trust the authority for which is derived from the people, the powers of which are exercised by the representatives of the people, and the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people; and we reject and revoke all constitutions, ordinances, laws and rescripts in conflict herewith.
Desiring peace for all time and fully conscious of the high ideals controlling human relationship now stirring mankind, we have determined to rely for our security and survival upon the justice and good faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world. We desire to occupy an honored place in an international society designed and dedicated to the preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance, for all time from the earth. We recognize and acknowledge that all peoples have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want.
We hold that no people is responsible to itself alone, but that laws of political morality are universal; and that obedience to such laws is incumbent upon all peoples who would sustain their own sovereignty and justify their sovereign relationship with other peoples.
To these high principles and purposes we, the Japanese People, pledge our national honor, determined will and full resources.

CHAPTER I The Emperor

Article I. The Emperor shall be the symbol of the State and of the Unity of the People, deriving his position from the sovereign will of the People, and from no other source.
Article Ⅱ. Succession to the Imperial Throne shall be dynastic and in accordance with such Imperial House Law as the Diet may enact.
Article Ⅲ. The advice and consent of the Cabinet shall be required for all acts of the Emperor in matters of state, and the Cabinet shall be responsible therefor.
The Emperor shall perform only such state functions as are provided for in this Constitution. He shall have no governmental powers, nor shall he assume nor be granted such powers.
The Emperor may delegate his functions in such manner as may be provided by law.
Article IV. When a regency is instituted in conformity with the provisions of such Imperial House Law as the Diet may enact, the duties of the Emperor shall be performed by the Regent in the name of the Emperor; and the limitations on the functions of the Emperor contained herein shall apply with equal force to the Regent.
Article V. The Emperor appoints as Prime Minister the person designated by the Diet.
Article VI. Acting only on the advice and with the consent of the Cabinet, the Emperor, on behalf of the people, shall perform the following state functions:
Affix his official seal to and proclaim all laws enacted by the Diet, all Cabinet orders, all amendments to this Constitution, and all treaties and international conventions;
Convoke sessions of the Diet;
Dissolve the Diet;
Proclaim general elections;
Attest the appointment or commission and resignation or dismissal of Ministers of State, ambassadors and those other state officials whose appointment or commission and resignation or dismissal may by law be attested in this manner;
Attest grants of amnesty, pardons, commutation of punishment, reprieves and rehabilitation;
Award honors;
Receive ambassadors and ministers of foreign States; and
Perform appropriate ceremonial functions.
Article VⅡ. No grants of money or other property shall be made to the Imperial Throne, and no expenditures shall be made by the Imperial Throne, unless authorized by the Diet.

CHAPTER Ⅱ Renunciation of War

Article VⅢ. War as a sovereign right of nation is abolished. The threat or use of force is forever renounced as a means for settling disputes with any other nation.
No army, navy, air force, or other war potential will ever be authorized and no rights of belligerency will ever be conferred upon the State.

CHAPTER Ⅲ Rights and Duties of the People

Article IX. The people of Japan are entitled to the enjoyment without interference of all fundamental human rights.
Article X. The fundamental human rights by this Constitution guaranteed to the people of Japan result from the age-old struggle of man to be free. They have survived the exacting test for durability in the crucible of time and experience, and are conferred upon this and future generations in sacred trust, to be held for all time inviolate.
Article XI. The freedoms, rights and opportunities enunciated by this Constitution are maintained by the eternal vigilance of the people and involve an obligation on the part of the people to prevent their abuse and to employ them always for the common good.
Article XⅡ. The feudal system of Japan shall cease. All Japanese by virtue of their humanity shall be respected as individuals. Their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness within the limits of the general welfare shall be the supreme consideration of all law and of all governmental action.
Article XⅢ. All natural persons are equal before the law. No discrimination shall be authorized or tolerated in political, economic or social relations on account of race, creed, sex, social status, caste or national origin.
No patent of nobility shall from this time forth embody within itself any national or civic power of government.
No rights of peerage except those of the Imperial dynasty shall extend beyond the lives of those now in being. No special privilege shall accompany any award of honor, decoration or other distinction; nor shall any such award be valid beyond the lifetime of the individual who now holds or hereafter may receive it.
Article XIV. The people are the ultimate arbiters of their government and of the Imperial Throne. They have the inalienable right to choose their public officials and to dismiss them.
All public officials are servants of the whole community and not of any special groups.
In all elections, secrecy of the ballot shall be kept inviolate, nor shall any voter be answerable, publicly or privately, for the choice he has made.
Article XV. Every person has the right of peaceful petition for the redress of grievances for the removal of public officials and for the enactment, repeal or amendment of laws, ordinances or regulations; nor shall any person be in any way discriminated against for sponsoring such a petition.
Article XVI. Aliens shall be entitled to the equal protection of law.
Article XVⅡ. No person shall be held in enslavement, serfdom or bondage of any kind. Involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, is prohibited.
Article XVⅢ. Freedom of thought and conscience shall be held inviolable.
Arlicle XIX. Freedom of religion is guaranteed to all. No religious organization shall receive special privileges from the State, nor exercise political authority.
No person shall be compelled to take part in any religious acts, celebrations, rites or practices.
The State and its organs shall refrain from religious education or any other religious activity.
Article XX. Freedom of assembly, speech and press and all other forms of expression are guaranteed. No censorship shall be maintained, nor shall the secrecy of any means of communication be violated.
Article XXI. Freedom of association, movement and choice of abode are guaranteed to every person to the extent they do not conflict with the general welfare.
All persons shall be free to emigrate and to change their nationality.
Article XXⅡ. Academic freedom and choice of occupation are guaranteed.
Article XXⅢ. The family is the basis of human society and its traditions for good or evil permeate the nation. Marriage shall rest upon the indisputable legal and social equality of both sexes, founded upon mutual consent instead of parental coercion, and maintained through cooperation instead of male domination. Laws contrary to these principles shall be abolished, and replaced by others viewing choice of spouse, property rights,inheritance, choice of domicile, divorce and other matters pertaining to marriage and the family from the standpoint of individual dignity and the essential equality of the sexes.
Article XXIV. In all spheres of life, laws shall be designed for the promotion and extension of social welfare, and of freedom, justice and democracy.
Free, universal and compulsory education shall be established.
The exploitation of children shall be prohibited.
The public health shall be promoted.
Social security shall be provided.
Standards for working conditions, wages and hours shall be fixed.
Article XXV. All men have the right to work.
Article XXVI. The right of workers to organize and to bargain and act collectively is guaranteed.
Article XXVⅡ. The right to own property is inviolable, but property rights shall be defined by law, in conformity with the public welfare.
Article XXVⅢ. The ultimate fee to the land and to all natural resources reposes in the State as the collective representative of the people. Land and other natural resources are subject to the right of the State to take them, upon just compensation therefor, for the purpose of securing and promoting the conservation, development, utilization and control thereof.
Article XXIX. 0wnership of property imposes obligations. Its use shall be in the public good. Private property may be taken by the State for public use upon just compensation therefor.
Article XXX. No person shall be apprehended except upon warrant issued by a competent officer of a court of law specifying the offense upon which the person is charged, unless he is apprehended while committing a crime.
Article XXXI. No person shall be arrested or detained without being at once informed of the charges against him nor without the immediate privilege of counsel; he shall not be held incommunicado; he shall not be detained without adequate cause; and upon demand of any person such cause must be immediately shown in open court in his presence and the presence of his counsel.
Article XXXⅡ. No person shall be deprived of life or liberty, nor shall any criminal penalty be imposed, except according to procedures established by the Diet, nor shall any person be denied the right of appeal to the courts.
Article XXXⅢ. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, homes, papers and effects against entries, searches and seizures shall not be impaired except upon judicial warrant issued only for probable cause, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the person or things to be seized.
Each search or seizure shall be made upon separate warrant issued for the purpose by a competent officer of a court of law.
Article XXXIV. The infliction of torture by any public officer is absolutely forbidden.
Article XXXV. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor cruel or unusual punishments inflicted.
Article XXXVI. In all criminal cases the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial tribunal.
He shall be permitted full opportunity to cross-examine all witnesses, and he shall have the right of compulsory process for obtaining witnesses on his behalf at public expense.
At all times the accused shall have the assistance of competent counsel who shall, if the accused be unable to secure the same by his own efforts, be assigned to his use by the government.
Article XXXVⅡ. No person shall be declared guilty of a crime except by a court of competent jurisdiction.
No person shall be twice placed in jeopardy for the same offense.
Article XXXVⅢ. No person shall be compelled to testify against himself.
No confession shall be admitted in evidence if made under compulsion, torture or threat, or after prolonged arrest or detention.
No person shall be convicted or punished in cases where the only proof against him is his own confession.
Article XXXIX. No person shall be held criminally liable for an act lawful at the time it was committed.


Article XL. The Diet shall be the highest organ of state power and shall be the sole law-making authority of the State.
Article XLI. The Diet shall consist of one House of elected representatives with a membership of not less than 300 nor more than 500.
Article XLⅡ. The qualifications of electors and of candidates for election to the Diet shall be determined by law, and in determining such qualifications there shall be no discrimination because of sex, race, creed, color or social status.
Article XLⅢ. Members of the Diet shall receive adequate compensation from the national treasury as determined by law.
Article XLIV. Members of the Diet shall in all cases, except those specified by law, be free from arrest while attending the sessions of the Diet or while travelling to and from such sessions; and for any speech, debate, or vote in the Diet, they shall not be held legally liable elsewhere.
Article XLV. The term of the members shall be four years, but it may be terminated at an earlier date by dissolution of the Diet as provided herein.
Article XLVI. The method of election, apportionment, and voting shall be determined by law.
Article XLVⅡ. The Diet shall convene at least once in every year.
Article XLVⅢ. The Cabinet may call special sessions and shall do so on petition of not less than twenty per cent of the members of the Diet.
Article XLVIX. The Diet shall be the sole judge of the elections and the qualifications of its members. The denial of a seat to anyone who is certified to have been elected and whose right to the seat has been questioned shall require the vote of a majority of the members present.
Article L. A quorum to transact business shall consist of not less than one-third of all the members. Except as otherwise provided herein all actions of the Diet shall be by majority vote of those present. In case of a tie the presiding officer shall cast the deciding vote.
Article LI. The Diet shall choose its presiding officer and other officials. It may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish members for disorderly behavior and expel them. On a motion for expulsion of a member a vote of not less than two-thirds of the members present shall be required to effect such expulsion.
Article LⅡ. No law shall be passed except by bill.
Article LⅢ. The deliberations of the Diet shall be public, and no secret sessions shall be held. The Diet shall maintain and publish a record of its proceedings and this record shall be made available to the public. The individual votes of members on any question shall be recorded in the journal upon the demand of twenty per cent of those present.
Article LIV. The Diet shall have the power to conduct investigations, to compel the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of records, and to punish for refusal to comply.
Article LV. The Diet by a majority vote of those present shall designate the Prime Minister. The designation of a Prime Minister shall take precedence over all other business of the Diet.
The Diet shall establish the several Ministries of State.
Article LVI. The Prime Minister and the Ministers of State whether or not they hold seats in the Diet may at any time appear before that body for the purpose of presenting and arguing bills, and shall appear when required to answer interpellations.
Article LVⅡ. Within ten days after the passage of a resolution of non-confidence or the failure to pass a resolution of confidence by a majority of the total membership of the Diet, the Cabinet shall resign or order the Diet to dissolve. When the Diet has been ordered dissolved a special election of a new Diet shall be held not less than thirty days nor more than forty days after the date of dissolution. The newly elected Diet shall be convoked within thirty days after the date of election.
Article LVⅢ. The Diet shall constitute from among its members a court of impeachment to try members of the judiciary against whom removal proceedings have been instituted.
Article LIX. The Diet shall enact all laws necessary and proper to carry into execution the provisions of this Constitution.

CHAPTER V The Cabinet

Article LX. The executive power is vested in a Cabinet.
Article LXI. The Cabinet consists of a Prime Minister, who is its head, and such other Ministers of State as may be authorized by the Diet.
In the exercise of the executive power, the Cabinet is collectively responsible to the Diet.
Article LXⅡ. The Prime Minister shall with the advice and consent of the Diet appoint Ministers of State.
The Prime Minister may remove individual Ministers at will.
Article LXⅢ. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of Prime Minister or upon the convening of a new Diet, the Cabinet shall collectively resign and a new Prime Minister shall be designated.
Pending such designation, the Cabinet shall continue to perform its duties.
Article LXIV. The Prime Minister introduces bills on behalf of the Cabinet, reports to the Diet on general affairs of State and the status of foreign relations, and exercises control and supervision over the several executive departments and agencies.
Article LXV. In addition to other executive responsibilities, the Cabinet shall:
Faithfully execute the laws and administer the affairs of State;
Conduct foreign relation;
Conclude such treaties, international conventions and agreements with the consent of the Diet by prior authorization or subsequent ratification as it deems in the public interest;
Administer the civil service according to standards established by the Diet;
Prepare and submit to the Diet an annual budget;
Issue orders and regulations to carry out the provisions of this Constitution and the law, but no such order or regulation shall contain a penal provision; and
Grant amnesty, pardon, commutation of punishment, reprieve and rehabilitation.
Article LXVI. The competent Minister of State shall sign and the Prime Minister shall countersign all acts of the Diet and executive orders.
Article LXVⅡ. Cabinet Ministers shall not be subject to judicial process during their tenure of office without the consent of the Prime Minister, but no right of action shall be impaired by reason hereof.

CHAPTER VI Judiciary.

Article LXVⅢ. A strong and independent judiciary being the bulwark of the people's rights, the whole judicial power is vested in a Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as the Diet shall from time to time establish.
No extraordinary tribunal shall be established, nor shall any organ or agency of the Executive be given final judicial power.
All judges shall be independent in the exercise of their conscience and shall be bound only by this Constitution and the laws enacted pursuant thereto.
Article LXIX. The Supreme Court is vested with the rule-making power under which it determines the rules of practice and of procedure, the admission of attorneys, the internal discipline of the courts, the administration of judicial affairs, and such other matters as may properly affect the free exercise of the judicial power.
Public procurators shall be officers of the court and subject to its rule-making power.
The Supreme Court may delegate the power to make rules for inferior courts to such courts.
Article LXX. Removals of judges shall be accomplished by public impeachment only and no disciplinary action shall be administered them by any executive organ or agency.
Article LXXI. The Supreme Court shall consist of a chief justice and such number of associate justices as may be determined by the Diet. All such justices shall be appointed by the Cabinet and shall hold office during good behavior but not after the attainment of the age of 70 years, provided however that all such appointments shall be reviewed at the first general election held following the appointment and thereafter at every general election held immediately following the expiration of ten calendar years from the next prior confirmation. Upon a majority vote of the electorate not to retain the incumbent the office shall become vacant.
All such justices shall receive, at regular, stated intervals, adequate compensation which shall not be decreased during their terms of office.
Article LXXⅡ. The judges of the inferior courts shall be appointed by the Cabinet from a list which for each vacancy shall contain the names of at least two persons nominated by the Supreme Court. All such justices shall hold office for a term of ten years with privilege of reappointment and shall receive, at regular, stated intervals, adequate compensation which shall not be decreased during their terms of office. No judge shall hold office after attaining the age of 70 years.
Article LXXⅢ. The Supreme Court is the court of last resort. Where the determination of the constitutionality of any law, order, regulation or official act is in question, the judgment of the Supreme Court in all cases arising under or involving Chapter III of this Constitution is final; in all other cases where determination of the constitutionality of any law, ordinance, regulation or official act is in question, the judgment of the Court is subject to review by the Diet.
A judgment of the Supreme Court which is subject to review may be set aside only by the concurring vote of two-thirds of the whole number of representatives of the Diet. The Diet shall establish rules of procedure for reviewing decisions of the Supreme Court.
Article LXXIV. In all cases affecting ambassadors, ministers and consuls of foreign states, the Supreme Court has exclusive original jurisdiction.
Article LXXV. Trials shall be conducted and judgment declared publicly. Where, however, a court unanimously determines publicity to be dangerous to public order or morals, a trial may be conducted privately, but trials of political offenses, offenses of the press, and cases wherein the rights of citizens as reserved in Chapter III of this Constitution are in question, shall be conducted publicly without exception.


Article LXXVI. The power to levy taxes, borrow money, appropriate funds, issue and regulate the value of coins and currency shall be exercised through the Diet.
Article LXXVⅡ. No new taxes shall be imposed or existing ones modified except by action of the Diet or under such conditions as the Diet may prescribe.
All taxes in effect at the time this Constitution is promulgated shall continue to be collected under existing regulations until changed or modified by the Diet.
Article LXXVⅢ. No contract shall be entered into in the absence of an appropriation therefor, nor shall the credit of the State be pledged except as authorized by the Diet.
Article LXXIX. The Cabinet shall prepare and submit to the Diet an annual budget setting forth the complete government fiscal program for the next ensuing fiscal year, including all proposed expenditures, anticipated revenues and borrowings.
Article LXXX. The Diet may disapprove, reduce, increase or reject any item in the budget or add new items.
The Diet shall appropriate no money for any fiscal year in excess of the anticipated income for that period, including the proceeds of any borrowings.
Article LXXXI. In order to provide for unforeseen deficiencies in the budget a reserve fund may be authorized to be expended under the direct supervision of the Cabinet.
The Cabinet shall be held accountable to the Diet for all payments from the reserve fund.
Article LXXXⅡ. All property of the Imperial Household, other than the hereditary estates, shall belong to the nation. The income from all Imperial properties shall be paid into the national treasury, and allowances and expenses of the Imperial Household , as defined by law, shall be appropriated by the Diet in the annual budget.
Article LXXXⅢ. No public money or property shall be appropriated for the use, benefit or support of any system of religion, or religious institution or association, or for any charitable, educational or benevolent purposes not under the control of the State.
Article LXXXIV. A final audit of all expenditures and revenues of the Sate shall be made annually by a board of audit and submitted by the Cabinet to the Diet during the fiscal year immediately following the period covered.
The organization and competency of the board of audit shall be determined by the Diet.
Article LXXXV. At regular intervals and at least annually the Cabinet shall report to the Diet and the people on the state of public finances.

CHAPTER VⅢ Local Government

Article LXXXVI. The governors of prefectures, the mayors of cities and towns and the chief executive officers of all other subordinate bodies politic and corporate having taxing power, the members of prefectural and local legislative assemblies, and such other prefectural and local officials as the Diet may determine, shall be elected by direct popular vote within their several communities.
Article LXXXVⅡ. The inhabitants of metropolitan areas, cities and towns shall be secure in their right to manage their property, affairs and government and to frame their own charters within such laws as the Diet may enact.
Article LXXXVⅢ. The Diet shall pass no local or special act applicable to a metropolitan area, city or town where a general act can be made applicable, unless it be made subject to the acceptance of a majority of the electorate of such community.

CHAPTER IX Amendments

Article LXXXIX. Amendments to this Constitution shall be initiated by the Diet, through a concurring vote of two-thirds of all its members, and shall thereupon be submitted to the people for ratification, which shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of all votes cast thereon at such election as the Diet shall specify.
Amendments when so ratified shall immediately be proclaimed by the Emperor, in the name of the People, as an integral part of this Constitution.

CHAPTER X Supreme Law

Article XC. This Constitution and the laws and treaties made in pursuance hereof shall be the supreme law of the nation, and no public law or ordinance and no imperial rescript or other governmental act, or part thereof, contrary to the provisions hereof shall have legal force or validity.
Article XCI. The Emperor, upon succeeding to the Throne, and the Regent, Ministers of State, Members of the Diet, Members of the Judiciary and all other public officers upon assuming office, shall be bound to uphold and protect this Constitution.
All public officials duly holding office when this Constitution takes effect shall likewise be so bound and shall remain in office until their successors are elected or appointed.

CHAPTER XI Ratification

Article XCⅡ. This Constitution shall be established when ratified by the Diet by roll-call vote of two-thirds of the members present.
Upon ratification by the Diet, the Emperor shall immediately proclaim, in the name of the People, that this Constitution has been established as the supreme law of the nation.




第一章 皇帝

第一条 皇帝ハ国家ノ象徴ニシテ又人民ノ統一ノ象徴タルヘシ彼ハ其ノ地位ヲ人民ノ主権意思ヨリ承ケ之ヲ他ノ如何ナル源泉ヨリモ承ケス
第二条 皇位ノ継承ハ世襲ニシテ国会ノ制定スル皇室典範ニ依ルヘシ
第三条 国事ニ関スル皇帝ノ一切ノ行為ニハ内閣ノ輔弼及協賛ヲ要ス而シテ内閣ハ之カ責任ヲ負フヘシ
第四条 国会ノ制定スル皇室典範ノ規定ニ従ヒ摂政ヲ置クトキハ皇帝ノ責務ハ摂政之ヲ皇帝ノ名ニ於テ行フヘシ而シテ此ノ憲法ニ定ムル所ノ皇帝ノ機能ニ対スル制限ハ摂政ニ対シ等シク適用セラルヘシ
第五条 皇帝ハ国会ノ指名スル者ヲ総理大臣ニ任命ス
第六条 皇帝ハ内閣ノ輔弼及協賛ニ依リテノミ行動シ人民ニ代リテ国家ノ左ノ機能ヲ行フヘシ即国会ノ制定スル一切ノ法律、一切ノ内閣命令、此ノ憲法ノ一切ノ改正並ニ一切ノ条約及国際規約ニ皇璽を欽シテ之ヲ公布ス
第七条 国会ノ許諾ナクシテハ皇位ニ金銭又ハ其ノ他ノ財産ヲ授与スルコトヲ得ス又皇位ハ何等ノ支出ヲ為スコトヲ得ス

第二章 戦争ノ廃棄

第八条 国民ノ一主権トシテノ戦争ハ之ヲ廃止ス他ノ国民トノ紛争解決ノ手段トシテノ武力ノ威嚇又ハ使用ハ永久ニ之ヲ廃棄ス

第三章 人民ノ権利及義務

第九条 日本国ノ人民ハ何等ノ干渉ヲ受クルコト無ク一切ノ基本的人権ヲ享有スル権利ヲ有ス
第十条 此ノ憲法ニ依リ日本国ノ人民ニ保障セラルル基本的人権ハ人類ノ自由タラントスル積年ノ闘争ノ結果ナリ時ト経験ノ坩堝ノ中ニ於テ永続性ニ対スル厳酷ナル試練ニ克ク耐ヘタルモノニシテ永世不可侵トシテ現在及将来ノ人民ニ神聖ナル委託ヲ以テ賦与セラルルモノナリ
第十一条 此ノ憲法ニ依リ宣言セラルル自由、権利及機会ハ人民ノ不断ノ監視ニ依リ確保セラルルモノニシテ人民ハ其ノ濫用ヲ防キ常ニ之ヲ共同ノ福祉ノ為ニ行使スル義務ヲ有ス
第十二条 日本国ノ封建制度ハ終止スヘシ一切ノ日本人ハ其ノ人類タルコトニ依リ個人トシテ尊敬セラルヘシ一般ノ福祉ノ限度内ニ於テ生命、自由及幸福探求ニ対スル其ノ権利ハ一切ノ法律及一切ノ政治的行為ノ至上考慮タルヘシ
第十三条 一切ノ自然人ハ法律上平等ナリ政治的、経済的又ハ社会的関係ニ於テ人種、信条、性別、社会的身分、階級又ハ国籍起源ノ如何ニ依リ如何ナル差別的待遇モ許容又ハ黙認セラルルコト無カルヘシ
第十四条 人民ハ其ノ政府及皇位ノ終局的決定者ナリ彼等ハ其ノ公務員ヲ選定及罷免スル不可譲ノ権利ヲ有ス
第十五条 何人モ損害ノ救済、公務員ノ罷免及法律、命令又ハ規則ノ制定、廃止又ハ改正ニ関シ平穏ニ請願ヲ為ス権利ヲ有ス又何人モ右ノ如キ請願ヲ主唱シタルコトノ為ニ如何ナル差別的待遇ヲモ受クルコト無カルヘシ
第十六条 外国人ハ平等ニ法律ノ保護ヲ受クル権利ヲ有ス
第十七条 何人モ奴隷、農奴又ハ如何ナル種類ノ奴隷役務ニ服セシメラルルコト無カルヘシ犯罪ノ為ノ処罰ヲ除クノ外本人ノ意思ニ反スル服役ハ之ヲ禁ス
第十八条 思想及良心ノ自由ハ不可侵タルヘシ
第十九条 宗教ノ自由ハ何人ニモ保障セラル如何ナル宗教団体モ国家ヨリ特別ノ特権ヲ受クルコト無カルヘク又政治上ノ権限ヲ行使スルコト無カルヘシ
第二十条 集会、言論及定期刊行物並ニ其ノ他一切ノ表現形式ノ自由ヲ保障ス検閲ハ之ヲ禁シ通信手段ノ秘密ハ之ヲ犯ス可カラス
第二十一条 結社、運動及住居選定ノ自由ハ一般ノ福祉ト抵触セサル範囲内ニ於テ何人ニモ之ヲ保障ス
第二十二条 学究上ノ自由及職業ノ選択ハ之ヲ保障ス
第二十三条 家族ハ人類社会ノ基底ニシテ其ノ伝統ハ善カレ悪シカレ国民ニ滲透ス婚姻ハ男女両性ノ法律上及社会上ノ争フ可カラサル平等ノ上ニ存シ両親ノ強要ノ代リニ相互同意ノ上ニ基礎ツケラレ且男性支配ノ代リニ協力ニ依リ維持セラルヘシ此等ノ原則ニ反スル諸法律ハ廃止セラレ配偶ノ選択、財産権、相続、住所ノ選定、離婚並ニ婚姻及家族ニ関スル其ノ他ノ事項ヲ個人ノ威厳及両性ノ本質ニ立脚スル他ノ法律ヲ以テ之ニ代フヘシ
第二十四条 有ラユル生活範囲ニ於テ法律ハ社会的福祉、自由、正義及民主主義ノ向上発展ノ為ニ立案セラルヘシ
第二十五条 何人モ働ク権利ヲ有ス
第二十六条 労働者カ団結、商議及集団行為ヲ為ス権利ハ之ヲ保障ス
第二十七条 財産ヲ所有スル権利ハ不可侵ナリ然レトモ財産権ハ公共ノ福祉ニ従ヒ法律ニ依リ定義セラルヘシ
第二十八条 土地及一切ノ天然資源ノ究極的所有権ハ人民ノ集団的代表者トシテノ国家ニ帰属ス
第二十九条 財産ヲ所有スル者ハ義務ヲ負フ其ノ使用ハ公共ノ利益ノ為タルヘシ国家ハ公正ナル補償ヲ払ヒテ私有財産ヲ公共ノ利益ノ為ニ収用スルコトヲ得
第三十条 何人モ裁判所ノ当該官吏カ発給シ訴追ノ理由タル犯罪ヲ明示セル逮捕状ニ依ルニアラスシテ逮捕セラルルコト無カルヘシ但シ犯罪ノ実行中ニ逮捕セラルル場合ハ此ノ限ニ存ラス
第三十一条 何人モ訴追ノ趣旨ヲ直チニ告ケラルルコト無ク又ハ直チニ弁護人ヲ依頼スル特権ヲ与ヘラルルコト無クシテ逮捕又ハ拘留セラレサルヘシ何人モ監禁セラルルコト無カルヘシ何人モ適当ナル理由無クシテ拘留セラレサルヘシ要求アルトキハ右理由ハ公開廷ニテ本人及其ノ弁護人ノ面前ニ於テ直チニ開示セラルヘシ
第三十二条 何人モ国会ノ定ムル手続ニ依ルニアラサレハ其ノ生命若ハ自由ヲ奪ハレ又ハ刑罰ヲ科セラルルコト無カルヘシ又何人モ裁判所ニ上訴ヲ提起スル権利ヲ奪ハルコト無カルヘシ
第三十三条 人民カ其ノ身体、家庭、書類及所持品ニ対シ侵入、捜索及押収ヨリ保障セラルル権利ハ相当ノ理由ニ基キテノミ発給セラレ殊ニ捜索セラルヘキ場所及拘禁又ハ押収セラルヘキ人又ハ物ヲ表示セル司法逮捕状ニ依ルニアラスシテ害セラルルコト無カルヘシ
第三十四条 公務員ニ依ル拷問ハ絶対ニ之ヲ禁ス
第三十五条 過大ナル保釈金ヲ要求スヘカラス又残虐若ハ異常ナル刑罰ヲ科スヘカラス
第三十六条 一切ノ刑事訴訟事件ニ於テ被告人ハ公平ナル裁判所ノ迅速ナル公判ヲ受クル権利ヲ享有スヘシ
第三十七条 何人モ管轄権有ル裁判所ニ依ルニアラサレハ有罪ト宣言セラルルコト無カルヘシ
第三十八条 何人モ自己ニ不利益ナル証言ヲ為スコトヲ強要セラレサルヘシ
第三十九条 何人モ実行ノ時ニ於テ合法ナリシ行為ニ因リ刑罰ヲ科セラルルコト無カルヘシ

第四章 国会

第四十条 国会ハ国家ノ権力ノ最高ノ機関ニシテ国家ノ唯一ノ法律制定機関タルヘシ
第四十一条 国会ハ三百人ヨリ少カラス五百人ヲ超エサル選挙セラレタル議員ヨリ成ル単一ノ院ヲ以テ構成ス
第四十二条 選挙人及国会議員候補者ノ資格ハ法律ヲ以テ之ヲ定ムヘシ而シテ右資格ヲ定ムルニ当リテハ性別、人種、信条、皮膚色又ハ社会上ノ身分ニ因リ何等ノ差別ヲ為スヲ得ス
第四十三条 国会議員ハ国庫ヨリ法律ノ定ムル適当ノ報酬ヲ受クヘシ
第四十四条 国会議員ハ法律ノ規定スル場合ヲ除クノ外如何ナル場合ニ於テモ国会ノ議事ニ出席中又ハ之ニ出席スル為ノ往復ノ途中ニ於テ逮捕セラルルコト無カルヘク又国会ニ於ケル演説、討論又ハ投票ニ因リ国会以外ニ於テ法律上ノ責ヲ問ハルルコト無カルヘシ
第四十五条 国会議員ノ任期ハ四年トス然レトモ此ノ憲法ノ規定スル国会解散ニ因リ満期以前ニ終了スルコトヲ得
第四十六条 選挙、任命及投票ノ方法ハ法律ニ依リ之ヲ定ムヘシ
第四十七条 国会ハ少クトモ毎年一囘之ヲ召集スヘシ
第四十八条 内閣ハ臨時議会ヲ召集スルコトヲ得国会議員ノ二割ヨリ少カラサル者ノ請願アリタルトキハ之ヲ召集スルコトヲ要ス
第四十九条 国会ハ選挙及議員ノ資格ノ唯一ノ裁決者タルヘシ当選ノ証明ヲ有スルモ其ノ効力ニ疑アル者ノ当選ヲ拒否セントスルトキハ出席議員ノ多数決ニ依ルヲ要ス
第五十条 議事ヲ行フニ必要ナル定足数ハ議員全員ノ三分ノ一ヨリ少カラサル数トス此ノ憲法ニ規定スル場合ヲ除クノ外国会ノ行為ハ凡ヘテ出席議員ノ多数決ニ依ルヘシ可否同数ナルトキハ議長ノ決スル所ニ依ル
第五十一条 国会ハ議長及其ノ他役員ヲ選定スヘシ国会ハ議事規則ヲ定メ並ニ議員ヲ無秩序ナル行動ニ因リ処罰及除名スルコトヲ得議員除名ノ動議有リタル場合ニ之ヲ実行セントスルトキハ出席議員ノ三分ノ二ヨリ少カラサル者ノ賛成ヲ要ス
第五十二条 法律ハ法律案ニ依ルニアラサレハ之ヲ議決スルコトヲ得ス
第五十三条 国会ノ議事ハ之ヲ公開スヘク秘密会議ハ之ヲ開クコトヲ得ス国会ハ其ノ議事ノ記録ヲ保存シ且発表スヘク一般公衆ハ此ノ記録ヲ入手シ得ヘシ出席議員二割ノ要求アルトキハ議題ニ対スル各議員ノ賛否ヲ議事録ニ記載スヘシ
第五十四条 国会ハ調査ヲ行ヒ証人ノ出頭及証言供述並ニ記録ノ提出ヲ強制シ且之ニ応セサル者ヲ処罰スル権限ヲ有スヘシ
第五十五条 国会ハ出席議員ノ多数決ヲ以テ総理大臣ヲ指定スヘシ総理大臣ノ指定ハ国会ノ他ノ一切ノ事務ニ優先シテ行ハルヘシ
第五十六条 総理大臣及国務大臣ハ国会ニ議席ヲ有スルト否トヲ問ハス何時ニテモ法律案ヲ提出シ討論スル目的ヲ以テ出席スルコトヲ得質問ニ答弁スルコトヲ要求セラレタルトキハ出席スヘシ
第五十七条 内閣ハ国会カ全議員ノ多数決ヲ以テ不信任案ノ決議ヲ通過シタル後又ハ信任案ヲ通過セサリシ後十日以内ニ辞職シ又ハ国会ニ解散を命スヘシ国会カ解散ヲ命セラレタルトキハ解散ノ日ヨリ三十日ヨリ少カラス四十日ヲ超エサル期間内ニ特別選挙ヲ行フヘシ新タニ選挙セラレタル国会ハ選挙ノ日ヨリ三十日以内ニ之ヲ召集スヘシ
第五十八条 国会ハ忌避訴訟ノ被告タル司法官ヲ裁判スル為議員中ヨリ弾劾裁判所ヲ構成スヘシ
第五十九条 国会ハ此ノ憲法ノ規定ヲ施行スル為必要ニシテ適当ナル一切ノ法律ヲ制定スヘシ

第五章 内閣

第六十条 行政権ハ内閣ニ帰属ス
第六十一条 内閣ハ其ノ首長タル総理大臣及国会ニ依リ授権セラルル其ノ他ノ国務大臣ヲ以テ構成ス
第六十二条 総理大臣ハ国会ノ輔弼及協賛ヲ以テ国務大臣ヲ任命スヘシ
第六十三条 総理大臣欠員ト為リタルトキ又ハ新国会ヲ召集スルトキハ内閣ハ総辞職ヲ為スヘク新総理大臣指名セラルヘシ
第六十四条 総理大臣ハ内閣ニ代リテ法律案ヲ提出シ一般国務及外交関係ヲ国会ニ報告シ並ニ行政府ノ各部及各支部ノ指揮及監督ヲ行フ
第六十五条 内閣ハ他ノ行政的責任ノホカ
第六十六条 一切ノ国会制定法及行政命令ハ当該国務大臣之ニ署名シ総理大臣之ニ副署スヘシ
第六十七条 内閣大臣ハ総理大臣ノ承諾無クシテ在任中訴追セラルルコト無カルヘシ然レトモ此ノ理由ニ因リ如何ナル訴権モ害セラルルコトナシ

第六章 司法

第六十八条 強力ニシテ独立ナル司法府ハ人民ノ権利ノ堡塁ニシテ全司法権ハ最高法院及国会ノ随時設置スル下級裁判所ニ帰属ス
第六十九条 最高法院ハ規則制定権ヲ有シ其レニ依リ訴訟手続規則、弁護士ノ資格、裁判所ノ内部規律、司法行政並ニ司法権ノ自由ナル行使ニ関係アル其ノ他ノ事項ヲ定ム
第七十条 判事ハ公開ノ弾劾ニ依リテノミ罷免スルコトヲ得行政機関又ハ支部ニ依リ懲戒処分ニ附セラルルコト無カルヘシ
第七十一条 最高法院ハ首席判事及国会ノ定ムル員数ノ普通判事ヲ以テ構成ス右判事ハ凡ヘテ内閣ニ依リ任命セラレ不都合ノ所為無キ限リ満七十歳ニ到ルマテ其ノ職ヲ免セラルルコト無カルヘシ但シ右任命ハ凡ヘテ任命後最初ノ総選挙ニ於テ、爾後ハ次ノ先位確認後十暦年経過直後行ハルル総選挙ニ於テ、審査セラルヘシ若シ選挙民カ判事ノ罷免ヲ多数決ヲ以テ議決シタルトキハ右判事ノ職ハ欠員ト為ルヘシ
第七十二条 下級裁判所ノ判事ハ各欠員ニ付最高法院ノ指名スル少クトモ二人以上ノ候補者ノ氏名ヲ包含スル表ノ中ヨリ内閣之ヲ任命スヘシ右判事ハ凡ヘテ十年ノ任期ヲ有スヘク再任ノ特権ヲ有シ定期ニ適当ノ報酬ヲ受クヘシ報酬ハ任期中減額セラルルコト無カルヘシ判事ハ満七十歳ニ達シタルトキハ退職スヘシ
第七十三条 最高法院ハ最終裁判所ナリ法律、命令、規則又ハ官憲ノ行為ノ憲法上合法ナリヤ否ヤノ決定カ問題ト為リタルトキハ憲法第三章ニ基ク又ハ関聯スル有ラユル場合ニ於テハ最高法院ノ判決ヲ以テ最終トス法律、命令、規則又ハ官憲ノ行為ノ憲法上合法ナリヤ否ヤノ決定カ問題ト為リタル其ノ他ノ有ラユル場合ニ於テ国会最高法院ノ判決ヲ再審スルコトヲ得
第七十四条 外国ノ大使、公使及領事館ニ関係アル一切ノ事件ニ於テハ最高法院専属的原始管轄ヲ有ス
第七十五条 裁判ハ公開廷ニ於テ行ヒ判決ハ公然言ヒ渡スヘシ然レトモ裁判所カ公開ヲ公ノ秩序又ハ善良ノ風俗ニ害有リト全員一致ヲ以テ決スルトキハ非公開ニテ裁判ヲ行フコトヲ得但シ政治的犯罪、定期刊行物ノ犯罪及此ノ憲法第三章ノ確保スル人民ノ権利カ問題ト為レル場合ニ於ケル裁判ハ例外ナク公開セラルヘシ

第七章 財政

第七十六条 租税ヲ徴シ、金銭ヲ借入レ、資金ヲ使用シ並ニ硬貨及通貨ヲ発行シ及其ノ価格ヲ規整スル権限ハ国会ヲ通シテ行使セラルヘシ
第七十七条 国会ノ行為ニ依リ又ハ国会ノ定ムル条件ニ依ルニアラサレハ新タニ租税ヲ課シ又ハ現行ノ租税ヲ変更スルコトヲ得ス
第七十八条 充当スヘキ特別予算無クシテ契約ヲ締結スヘカラス又国会ノ承認ヲ得ルニアラサレハ国家ノ資産ヲ貸与スヘカラス
第七十九条 内閣ハ一切ノ支出計画並ニ歳入及借入予想ヲ含ム次期会計年度ノ全財政計画ヲ示ス年次予算ヲ作成シ之ヲ国会ニ提出スヘシ
第八十条 国会ハ予算ノ項目ヲ不承認、減額、増額若ハ却下シ又ハ新タナル項目ヲ追加スルコトヲ得
第八十一条 予期セサル予算ノ不足ニ備フル為ニ内閣ノ直接監督ノ下ニ支出スヘキ予備費ヲ設クルコトヲ許スコトヲ得
第八十二条 世襲財産ヲ除クノ外皇室ノ一切ノ財産ハ国民ニ帰属スヘシ一切ノ皇室財産ヨリスル収入ハ国庫ニ納入スヘシ而シテ法律ノ規定スル皇室ノ手当及費用ハ国会ニ依リ年次予算ニ於テ支弁セラルヘシ
第八十三条 公共ノ金銭又ハ財産ハ如何ナル宗教制度、宗教団体若ハ社団ノ使用、利益若ハ支持ノ為又ハ国家ノ管理ニ服ササル如何ナル慈善、教育若ハ博愛ノ為ニモ、充当セラルルコト無カルヘシ
第八十四条 会計検査院ハ毎年国家ノ一切ノ支出及歳入ノ最終的会計検査ヲ為シ内閣ハ次年度中ニ之ヲ国会ニ提出スヘシ
第八十五条 内閣ハ定期ニ且少クトモ毎年財政状態ヲ国会及人民ニ報告スヘシ

第八章 地方政治

第八十六条 府県知事、市長、町長、徴税権ヲ有スル其ノ他ノ一切ノ下級自治体及法人、府県及地方議会並ニ国会ノ定ムル其ノ他ノ府県及地方役員ハ夫レ夫レ其ノ社会内ニ於テ直接普遍選挙ニ依リ選挙セラルヘシ
第八十七条 首都地方、市及町ノ住民ハ彼等ノ財産、事務及政治ヲ処理シ並ニ国会ノ制定スル法律ノ範囲内ニ於テ彼等自身ノ憲章ヲ作成スル権利ヲ奪ハルルコト無カルヘシ
第八十八条 国会ハ一般法律ノ適用セラレ得ル首都地方、市又ハ町ニ適用セラルヘキ地方的又ハ特別ノ法律ヲ通過スヘカラス但シ右社会ノ選挙民ノ大多数ノ受諾ヲ条件トスルトキハ此ノ限ニ在ラス

第九章 改正

第八十九条 此ノ憲法ノ改正ハ議員全員ノ三分ノ二ノ賛成ヲ以テ国会之ヲ発議シ人民ニ提出シテ承認ヲ求ムヘシ人民ノ承認ハ国会ノ指定スル選挙ニ於テ賛成投票ノ多数決ヲ以テ之ヲ為スヘシ右ノ承認ヲ経タル改正ハ直ニ此ノ憲法ノ要素トシテ人民ノ名ニ於テ皇帝之ヲ公布スヘシ

第十章 至上法

第九十条 此ノ憲法並ニ之ニ基キ制定セラルル法律及条約ハ国民ノ至上法ニシテ其ノ規定ニ反スル公ノ法律若ハ命令及詔勅若ハ其ノ他ノ政府ノ行為又ハ其ノ部分ハ法律上ノ効力ヲ有セサルヘシ
第九十一条 皇帝皇位ニ即キタルトキ並ニ摂政、国務大臣、国会議員、司法府員及其ノ他ノ一切ノ公務員其ノ官職ニ就キタルトキハ、此ノ憲法ヲ尊重擁護スル義務ヲ負フ

第十一章 承認

第九十二条 此ノ憲法ハ国会カ出席議員三分ノ二ノ氏名点呼ニ依リ承認セラレタル時ニ於テ確立スヘシ



・10月4日 連合国最高司令官 D.マッカーサー元帥から「政治的、公民的及び宗教的自由に対する制限の撤廃に関する覚書(民主化指令)」(SCAPIN-93)が出される
・10月5日 民主化指令はとても実施できないと東久邇内閣が総辞職する
・10月9日 幣原内閣が成立する
・10月11日 幣原首相・マッカーサー(連合国最高司令官)会談で、「五大改革指令」(①秘密警察の廃止、②労働組合の結成奨励、③婦人解放、④学校教育の自由化、⑤経済の民主化)が口頭で通達される
・10月22日 「日本教育制度に対する管理政策」(SCAPIN-178)が出される
・10月30日 「教育関係者の資格についての指令」(SCAPIN-212)が出される
・11月6日 「持株会社の解体に関する覚書」(SCAPIN-244)が出される
・11月24日 「戦時利得の除去及び国家財政の再編成に関する覚書」(SCAPIN337)が出される
・12月9日 「農地改革に関する覚書」(SCAPIN-411)が出される
・12月15日に「国家神道、神社神道に対する政府の保証、支援、保全、監督並に弘布の廃止に関する件(宗教指令)」が出される。その中で、幣原内閣の下で、憲法改正問題の検討も進められ、それを担当した松本烝治国務大臣は、憲法問題調査委員会の調査・審・12月8日 憲法改正について「松本四原則」(①天皇が統治権を総覧するという原則には変更を加えない、②議会の権限を拡大し、その結果として大権事項を制限する、③国務大臣の責任を国務の全般にわたるものたらしめ、国務大臣は議会に対して責任を負うものとする、④人民の自由・権利の保護を強化し、その侵害に対する救済を完全なものとする)をまとめる

・1月 憲法改正の松本案(いわゆる「甲」案)が作成される
・2月8日 「憲法改正要綱」(松本私案)が連合国軍最高司令官総司令部(GHQ)へ提出される
・2月13日 GHQは「ポツダム宣言」の第6条に沿いつつも、中庸な国民主権(天皇象徴化・戦争放棄・基本的人権確立)を採用した「マッカーサー案」を日本側に手渡す
・2月22日 日本政府は「マッカーサー案」受諾を決定する
・3月6日 「憲法改正草案要綱」が政府発表、昭和天皇の勅語と幣原喜重郎内閣総理大臣談話も発表される
・3月7日 新聞にはマッカーサーの要綱支持の声明も発表される
・4月2日 GHQの了承と閣議の了解を得て、ひらがな口語体による「憲法改正草案」を準備することとなる
・4月5日 口語化の第一次案が完成する
・4月16日 幣原首相が天皇に内奏し、法令の口語化はまず憲法について行い、憲法の成立施行後は他の法令にも及ぶことを伝える
・4月17日 「憲法改正草案」が発表される
・5月27日 「毎日新聞」が「新憲法草案に関する世論調査の結果」をおおむね好評と報道する
・6月20日 枢密院の審議を経て、帝国議会に提出される
・10月7日 いくつかの修正をした上で、衆議院で「日本国憲法」が成立する
・11月3日 「日本国憲法」が公布される

・5月3日 「日本国憲法」が施行され、新聞社が実施した世論調査では、8割以上が「日本国憲法」を評価し、国民に歓迎される


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