今日は、昭和時代中期の占領下の1946年(昭和21)に、GHQより「刑事裁判権行使に関する覚書」 (SCAPIN-756) が出された日です。
「刑事裁判権行使に関する覺書(けいじさいばんけんこうしにかんするおぼえがき)」は、太平洋戦争敗戦後の連合国軍占領下で、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部(GHQ)によって発令された、連合国最高司令官指令第756号(SCAPIN-756)のことで、英語では「Exercise of Criminal Jurisdiction」と言いました。日本の裁判所が連合軍、連合国の諸国民に対して刑事裁判権を行使することを禁止し、代わりに占領軍軍事法廷を設置するものです。
以下に、「刑事裁判権行使に関する覺書」 (SCAPIN-756) の英語版全文と日本語訳を掲載しておきましたので、ご参照下さい。
〇「刑事裁判権行使に関する覺書」 (SCAPIN-756) 1946年(昭和21)2月19日にGHQ指令
AG 015 (19 Feb 46) LS APO 500
(SCAPIN-756) 19 February 1946
THROUGH:Central Liaison Office, Tokyo.
Subject:Exercise of Criminal Jurisdiction.
1. Japanese courts will henceforth exercise no criminal jurisdiction over United Nations Nationals or organizations, including corporations. All pending criminal proceedings in which Nationals of the United Nations are defendants will be reported to this headquarters: further action by Japanese Courts with respect to such defendants will be stayed; and the defendants will be held subject to directions from authorized representatives of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers.
2. Japanese courts will henceforth exercise no criminal jurisdiction over the following offenses:
a. Acts prejudicial to the security of the Occupation Forces, or any member thereof, or any person attached to or accompanying such forces.
b. Killing or assaulting any member of the Occupation Forces, or any person attached to or accompanying such forces.
c. Unauthorized possession, taking, receipt or disposal of property of the Occupation Forces or any member thereof, or of any person attached to or accompanying such forces.
d. Interfering with or hindering the arrest of any person sought, or assisting in or furthering the escape of any person detained, by the Occupation Forces or by others pursuant to the direction of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers or his authorized subordinates.
e. Interfering with, refusing information required by making any false or misleading statement orally or in writing to, or defrauding in any manner, any member of the Occupation Forces or any person attached to or accompanying such forces in a matter of official concern.
f. Acts on behalf or in support of any organization dissolved or declared illegal by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers or dissolved or declared illegal at the order of Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers.
g. Conspiracies to commit, or acts which aid or abet the commission of any of the foregoing offenses.
3 Japanese courts will continue to exercise jurisdiction over acts prejudicial to the objectives of the occupation insofar as such acts constitute violations of Japanese law. However, military occupation courts may also assume jurisdiction over such acts or any other acts which are prejudicial to the objectives of the occupation.
4. The Commanding General of the Eighth Army and the Commander, Fifth Fleet, have been directed to appoint military occupation courts including commissions and provost courts with jurisdiction over the foregoing persons and offenses.
5. a. Military commissions are authorized to impose sentences which may include: - fines; imprisonment at hard labor, or both, or specified alternative imprisonment in lieu of payment of fines; expulsion; confiscation, padlocking and forfeiture of estates; and death.
b. Provost courts are authorized to impose sentences including: - fines not to exceed Seventy-five thousand (¥75,000) Yen; imprisonment at hard labor not to exceed five (5) years, or both, or specified alternative confinement in lieu of payment of fine; expulsion; confiscation and padlocking respecting properties not exceeding Seventy-five thousand (¥75,000) Yen in value.
6. The Imperial Japanese Government shall have no authority to arrest United Nations Nationals, except (a) in areas where Allied troops are not actually present on duty and there is a reasonable suspicion that a serious crime has been committed by a United Nations National, or (b) when otherwise directed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers or his authorized subordinates: provided that, when such persons are taken into custody, the apprehending authority will immediately report the incident to the nearest Allied Military Authority and deliver such persons upon instructions from such Authority.
7. The Japanes people and all other persons in Japan will be informed of this directive.
Brigadiar General,AGD,
Adjutant General
一 日本の裁判所は、以後聯合國の人又は法人その他の諸團體に對し、刑事裁判權を行使してはならない。聯合國人を被吿人とする現に繫屬中の刑事訴訟は、總て聯合國最高司令部に報吿される事を要する。日本の裁判所はこの種の被吿人に關する今後の處置を停止し、被吿人は聯合國最高司令官の權限ある代表者の指令に服させなければならない。
二 日本裁判所は、以後次に揭げた犯罪に對して刑事裁判權を行使してはならない。
三 日本裁判所は、占領目的に有害な行爲が、日本の法律違反となるものである限りこれに對して裁判權の行使を繼續することができる。但し、軍事占領裁判所も亦、この種の行爲その他占領目的に有害な行爲に對して裁判權を引取つて行使することを妨げない。
四 第八軍司令官及び第五艦隊司令官は、上記の人又は犯罪に對する裁判權を持つ軍事委員會及び憲兵裁判所を含む軍事占領裁判所を、設置するように命ぜられてゐる。
五 (a)軍事委員會は、罰金、懲役若くはその併科、又は罰金の支拂の代りに指定される選擇的禁錮、追放、財產の沒收、封鎖又は喪失、及び死刑の宣吿を科する權限を興へられる。
六 日本帝國政府は次の如き場合を除き、聯合國人を逮捕する權限を有しない。
七 この指令は日本國民及び日本に在る凡ての者に、吿知されなければならない。
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