☆「教員及び教育関係者の調査、除外、認可に関する件」(SCAPIN-212) 1945年(昭和20)10月30日指令
30 October 1945 AG 350 (30 Oct 45) CIE
THROUGH:Central Liaison Office, Tokyo.
SUBJECT:Investigation, Screening, and Certification of Teachers and Educational Officials.
1. In order to eliminate from the educational system of Japan those militaristic and ultra-nationalistic influences which in the past have contributed to the defeat, war guilt, suffering, privation, and present deplorable state of the Japanese people; and in order to prevent the teachers and educational officials having military experience or affiliation; it is hereby directed that:
a. All persons who are known to be militaristic, ultra-nationalistic, or antagonistic to the objectives and policies of the occupation and who are at this time actively employed in the educational system of Japan, will be removed immediately and will be barred from occupying any position in the educational system of Japan.
b. All other persons now actively employed in the educational system of Japan will be permitted to retain their positions at the discretion of the Ministry of Education until further notice.
c. All persons who are members of or who have been demobilized from the Japanese military forces since the termination of hostilities, and who are not at this time actively employed in the educational system of Japan, will be barred from occupying any position in the educational system of Japan until further notice.
2. In order to determine which of those persons who are now actively employed in or who may in the future become candidates for employment in the educational system of Japan are unacceptable and must be removed, barred, and prohibited from occupying any position in the educational system of Japan, it is hereby directed that:
a. The Japanese Ministry of Education will establish suitable administrative machinery and procedures for the effective investigation, screening, and certification of all present and prospective teachers and educational officials.
b. The Japanese Ministry of Education will submit to this Headquarters as soon as possible a comprehensive report describing all actions taken to comply with the provisions of this directive. This report will contain in addition the following specific information:
(1) A precise statement of how acceptability of the individual is to bedetermined, together with lists of specific standards which will governthe retention, removal, appointment or re-appointment of the individual.
(2) A precise statement of what administrative procedures and machinery are to be established in order to accomplish the investigation, screening, and certification of personnel, together with a statement of what provisions are to be made for review of appealed decisions and reconsideration of individuals previously refused certification.
3. All officials and subordinates of the Japanese Government affected by the terms of this directive, and all school officials, both public and private, will be held personally accountable for compliance with the spirit as well as the letter of the policies enunciated in this directive.
Colonel, A.G.D.,
Asst Adjutant General.
一 日本ノ教育機構中ヨリ日本民族ノ敗北、戦争犯罪、苦痛、窮乏、現在ノ悲惨ナル状態ヲ招来セシムルニ至リタル軍国主義的、極端ナル国家主義的諸影響ヲ払拭スル為ニ、而シテマタ軍事的経験或ハ軍ト密接ナル関係アル教員並ニ教育関係者ヲ雇傭スルコトニ依テ右思想ノ影響継続ノ可能性ヲ防止スル為ニ茲ニ左記ノ指令ヲ発ス
二 日本ノ教育機構ノ中ノ一定ノ職ニ現ニ就イテヰル者或ハ将来就カントスル者ノ内如何ナル者ガ目本ノ教育機構中ノ如何ナル職ヨリモ解職セラレ阻止セラレマタ禁ゼラルベキカヲ決定スル為ニ舷ニ左記ノ指令ヲ発スル
三 本指令ノ条文ノ適用ヲ受ケル日本政府ノアラユル官吏属僚及ビ官公私立ノ教育関係官ハ本指令ニ明カニサレタル方針ヲ完全忠実ニ守ル個人的責任ヲ有スル
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