 「降伏後における米国の初期対日方針」(こうふくごにおけるべいこくのしょきたいにちほうしん)は、国務・陸軍・海軍調整委員会(SWNCC)が作成し、1945年(昭和20)8月29日にマッカーサーに通達し、9月6日にトルーマン米大統領が承認の上で指令した、日本降伏後に於ける米国の初期の対日方針を示した文書で英語では、URited StatesInitialPost-SurreRderPolicyforJapanと言います。日本本土侵攻を目前に控えた1945年(昭和20)4月に、米国陸軍省の要請に応じて国務省は、ほぼ一年前に作成した文書「米国の対日戦後目的」を基に「初期対日政策の要綱草案」を新たに作成しました。

〇「降伏後ニ於ケル米国ノ初期ノ対日方針」 1945年(昭和20)9月22日発表




Purpose of this Document

This document is intended as a statement of general initial policies relating to Japan after surrender. Following Presidential approval, it will be distributed to appropriate United States departments and agencies for their guidance. It is recognized that this document does not deal with all matters relating to the occupation of Japan requiring policy determinations. Policies upon such matters as are not included or not fully covered herein will be dealt with in subsequent papers.

 PART I - Ultimate Objectives

The ultimate objectives of the United States in regard to Japan, to which policies in the initial period must conform are:
(a) To insure that Japan will not again become a menace to the United States or to the peace and security of the world.
(b) To bring about the eventual establishment of a peaceful and responsible government which will respect the rights of other states and will support the objectives of the United States as reflected in the ideals and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. The United States desires that this government should conform as closely as may be to principles of democratic self-government but it is not the responsibility of the Allied Powers to impose upon Japan any form of government not supported by the freely expressed will of the people.
These objectives will be achieved by the following principal means:
(a) Japan's sovereignty will be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor outlying islands as may be determined, in accordance with the Cairo Declaration and other agreements to which the United States is or may be a party.
(b) Japan will be completely disarmed and demilitarized. The authority of the militarists and the influence of militarism will be totally eliminated from her political, economic and social life. Institutions expressive of the spirit of militarism and aggression will be vigorously suppressed.
(c) The Japanese people shall be encouraged to develop a desire for individual liberties and respect for fundamental human rights, particularly the freedoms of religion, assembly, speech, and the press. They shall also be encouraged to form democratic and representative organizations.
(d) The Japanese people shall be afforded opportunity to develop for themselves an economy which will permit the peacetime requirements of the population to be met.


1. Military Occupation

There will be a military occupation of the Japanese home islands to carry into effect the surrender terms and further the achievement of the ultimate objectives stated above. The occupation shall have the character of an operation in behalf of the principal allied powers acting in the interests of the United Nations at war with Japan. For that reason, participation of the forces of other nations that have taken a leading part in the war against Japan will be welcomed and expected. The occupation forces will be under the command of a Supreme Commander designated by the United States.
Although every effort will be made, by consultation and by constitution of appropriate advisory bodies, to establish policies for the conduct of the occupation and the control of Japan which will satisfy the principal Allied powers, in the event of any differences of opinion among then, the policies of the United States will govern.

2. Relationship to Japanese Government

The authority of the Emperor and the Japanese Government will be subject to the Supreme Commander, who will possess all powers necessary to effectuate the surrender terms and to carry out the policies established for the conduct of the occupation and the control of Japan.
In view of the present character of Japanese society and the desire of the United States to attain its objectives with a minimum commitment of its forces and resources, the Supreme Commander will exercise his authority through Japanese governmental machinery and agencies, including the Emperor, to the extent that this satisfactorily furthers United States objectives. The Japanese Government will be permitted, under his instructions, to exercise the normal powers of government in matters of domestic administration. This policy, however, will be subject to the right and duty of the Supreme Commander to require changes in governmental machinery or personnel or to act directly if the Emperor or other Japanese authority does not satisfactorily meet the requirements of the Supreme Commander in effectuating the surrender terms. This policy, moreover, does not commit the Supreme Commander to support the Emperor or any other Japanese governmental authority in opposition to evolutionary changes looking toward the attainment of the United States objectives. The policy is to use the existing form of Government in Japan, not to support it. Changes in the form of Government initiated by the Japanese people or government in the direction of modifying its feudal and authoritarian tendencies are to be permitted and favored. In the event that the effectuation of such changes involves the use of force by the Japanese people or government against persons opposed thereto, the Supreme Commander should intervene only where necessary to ensure the security of his forces and the attainment of all other objectives of the occupation.

3. Publicity as to Policies.

The Japanese people, and the world at large, shall be kept fully informed of the objectives and policies of the occupation, and of progress made in their fulfillment.


1. Disarmament and Demilitarization

Disarmament and demilitarization are the primary tasks of the military occupation and shall be carried out promptly and with determination. Every effort shall be made to bring home to the Japanese people the part played by the military and naval leaders, and those who collaborated with them, in bringing about the existing and future distress of the people.
Japan is not to have an army, navy, airforce, secret police organization, or any civil aviation. Japan's ground, air and naval forces shall be disarmed and disbanded and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, the General Staff and all secret police organizations shall be dissolved. Military and naval material, military and naval vessels and military and naval installations, and military, naval and civilian aircraft shall be surrendered and shall be disposed of as required by the Supreme Commander.
High officials of the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, and General Staff, other high military and naval officials of the Japanese Government, leaders of ultra-nationalist and militarist organizations and other important exponents of militarism and aggression will be taken into custody and held for future disposition. Persons who have been active exponents of militarism and aggression will be taken into custody and held for future disposition. Persons who have been active exponents of militarism and militant nationalism will be removed and excluded from public office and from any other position of public or substantial private responsibility. Ultra-nationalistic or militaristic social, political, professional and commercial societies and institutions will be dissolved and prohibited.
Militarism and ultra-nationalism, in doctrine and practice, including para-military training, shall be eliminated from the educational system. Former career military and naval officers, both commissioned and non-commissioned, and all other exponents of militarism and ultra-nationalism shall be excluded from supervisory and teaching positions.

2. War Criminals.

Persons charged by the Supreme Commander or appropriate United Nations Agencies with being war criminals, including those charged with having visited cruelties upon United Nations prisoners or other nationals, shall be arrested, tried and, if convicted, punished. Those wanted by another of the United Nations for offenses against its nationals, shall, if not wanted for trial or as witnesses or otherwise by the Supreme Commander, be turned over to the custody of such other nation.

3. Encouragement of Desire for Individual Liberties and Democratic Processes.

Freedom of religious worship shall be proclaimed promptly on occupation. At the same time it should be made plain to the Japanese that ultra-nationalistic and militaristic organizations and movements will not be permitted to hide behind the cloak of religion.
The Japanese people shall be afforded opportunity and encourage to become familiar with the history, institutions, culture, and the accomplishments of the United States and the other democracies. Association of personnel of the occupation forces with the Japanese population should be controlled, only to the extent necessary, to further the policies and objectives of the occupation.
Democratic political parties, with rights of assembly and public discussion, shall be encouraged, subject to the necessity for maintaining the security of the occupying forces.
Laws, decrees and regulations which establish discriminations on grounds of race, nationality, creed or political opinion shall be abrogated; those which conflict with the objectives and policies outlined in this document shall be repealed, suspended or amended as required; and agencies charged specifically with their enforcement shall be abolished or appropriately modified. Persons unjustly confined by Japanese authority on political grounds shall be released. The judicial, legal and police systems shall be reformed as soon as practicable to conform to the policies set forth in Articles 1 and 3 of this Part III and thereafter shall be progressively influenced, to protect individual liberties and civil rights.


1. Economic Demilitarization.

The existing economic basis of Japanese military strength must be destroyed and not be permitted to revive.
Therefore, a program will be enforced containing the following elements, among others; the immediate cessation and future prohibition of production of all goods designed for the equipment, maintenance, or use of any military force or establishment; the imposition of a ban upon any specialized facilities for the production or repair of implements of war, including naval vessels and all forms of aircraft; the institution of a system of inspection and control over selected elements in Japanese economic activity to prevent concealed or disguised military preparation; the elimination in Japan of those selected industries or branches of production whose chief value to Japan is in preparing for war; the prohibition of specialized research and instruction directed to the development of war-making power; and the limitation of the size and character of Japan's heavy industries to its future peaceful requirements, and restriction of Japanese merchant shipping to the extent required to accomplish the objectives of demilitarization.
The eventual disposition of those existing production facilities within Japan which are to be eliminated in accord with this program, as between conversion to other uses, transfer abroad, and scrapping will be determined after inventory. Pending decision, facilities readily convertible for civilian production should not be destroyed, except in emergency situations.

2. Promotion of Democratic Forces.

Encouragement shall be given and favor shown to the development of organizations in labor, industry, and agriculture, organized on a democratic basis. Policies shall be favored which permit a wide distribution of income and of the ownership of the means of production and trade.
Those forms of economic activity, organization and leadership shall be favored that are deemed likely to strengthen the peaceful disposition of the Japanese people, and to make it difficult to command or direct economic activity in support of military ends.
To this end it shall be the policy of the Supreme Commander:
(a) To prohibit the retention in or selection for places of importance in the economic field of individuals who do not direct future Japanese economic effort solely towards peaceful ends; and
(b) To favor a program for the dissolution of the large industrial and banking combinations which have exercised control of a great part of Japan's trade and industry.

3. Resumption of Peaceful Economic Activity.

The policies of Japan have brought down upon the people great economic destruction and confronted them with the prospect of economic difficulty and suffering. The plight of Japan is the direct outcome of its own behavior, and the Allies will not undertake the burden of repairing the damage. It can be repaired only if the Japanese people renounce all military aims and apply themselves diligently and with single purpose to the ways of peaceful living. It will be necessary for them to undertake physical reconstruction, deeply to reform the nature and direction of their economic activities and institutions, and to find useful employment for their people along lines adapted to and devoted to peace. The Allies have no intention of imposing conditions which would prevent the accomplishment of these tasks in due time.
Japan will be expected to provide goods and services to meet the needs of the occupying forces to the extent that this can be effected without causing starvation, widespread disease and acute physical distress.
The Japanese authorities will be expected, and if necessary directed, to maintain, develop and enforce programs that serve the following purposes:
(a) To avoid acute economic distress.
(b) To assure just and impartial distribution of available supplies.
(c) To meet the requirements for reparations deliveries agreed upon by the Allied Governments.
(d) To facilitate the restoration of Japanese economy so that the reasonable peaceful requirements of the population can be satisfied.
In this connection, the Japanese authorities on their own responsibility shall be permitted to establish and administer controls over economic activities, including essential national public services, finance, banking, and production and distribution of essential commodities, subject to the approval and review of the Supreme Commander in order to assure their conformity with the objectives of the occupation.

4. Reparations and Restitution.

Reparations for Japanese aggression shall be made:
(a) Through the transfer--as may be determined by the appropriate Allied authorities--of Japanese property located outside of the territories to be retained by Japan.
(b) Through the transfer of such goods or existing capital equipment and facilities as are not necessary for a peaceful Japanese economy or the supplying of the occupying forces. Exports other than those directed to be shipped on reparation account or as restitution may be made only to those recipients who agree to provide necessary imports in exchange or agree to pay for such exports in foreign exchange. No form of reparation shall be exacted which will interfere with or prejudice the program for Japan's demilitarization.
Full and prompt restitution will be required of all identifiable looted property.

5. Fiscal, Monetary, and Banking Policies.

The Japanese authorities will remain responsible for the management and direction of the domestic fiscal, monetary, and credit policies subject to the approval and review of the Supreme Commander.

6. International Trade and Financial Relations.

Japan shall be permitted eventually to resume normal trade relations with the rest of the world. During occupation and under suitable controls, Japan will be permitted to purchase from foreign countries raw materials and other goods that it may need for peaceful purposes, and to export goods to pay for approved imports.
Control is to be maintained over all imports and exports of goods, and foreign exchange and financial transactions. Both the policies followed in the exercise of these controls and their actual administration shall be subject to the approval and supervision of the Supreme Commander in order to make sure that they are not contrary to the policies of the occupying authorities, and in particular that all foreign purchasing power that Japan may acquire is utilized only for essential needs.

7. Japanese Property Located Abroad.

Existing Japanese external assets and existing Japanese assets located in territories detached from Japan under the terms of surrender, including assets owned in whole or part by the Imperial Household and Government, shall be revealed to the occupying authorities and held for disposition according to the decision of the Allied authorities.

8. Equality of Opportunity for Foreign Enterprise within Japan.

The Japanese authorities shall not give, or permit any Japanese business organization to give, exclusive or preferential opportunity or terms to the enterprise of any foreign country, or cede to such enterprise control of any important branch of economic activity.

9. Imperial Household Property.

Imperial Household property shall not be exempted from any action necessary to carry out the objectives of the occupation.





第一部 究極ノ目的

日本ニ關スル米國ノ究極ノ目的ニシテ當初ノ時期ニ於ケル政策カ遵フヘ キモノ左ノ如シ

A 日本カ再米國ノ脅威トナリ又八世界平和心安全ノ脅威トナルコ トナキ樣保證スルコト
B 他國家權利ヲ尊重シ聯合國憲章理想原則ニ示サレタル米國ノ目的ヲ支持スヘキ平和的且責任アル政府ヲ追テ樹立スルコト、米國ハ斯ル政府カ出來得ル限リ民主主義的自治ノ原則ニ合致スルコトヲ希望スルモ自由ニ表示セラレタル國民ノ意思ニ支持セラレサルカ如キ政體ヲ日本ニ強要スルコトハ聯合國ノ責任ニアラス

A 日本ノ主權ハ本州、北海道、九州、四國竝ニ「カイロ」宣言及米國 カ旣ニ參加シ又ハ將來參加スルコトアルヘキ他ノ協定ニ依リ決定セラ ルヘキ重要ナラサル附近島嶼ニ限ラルヘシ
B 日本ハ完全ニ武裝解除セラレ且非軍國主義化セラルヘシ、軍國主義者ノ權力ト軍國主義ノ影響力、日本政治、經濟及社會生活ヨリ一掃セラルヘシ、軍國主義及侵略ノ精神ヲ表示スル制度ハ强力ニ抑壓セラルヘシ
C 日本國民ハ個人ノ自由竝ニ基本的人權ノ尊重特ニ信教集會言論出版ノ自由ニ對スル欲求ヲ增大スル樣獎勵セラルヘク且民主主義的及代議的組織ノ形成ヲ獎勵セラルヘシ
D 日本國民ハ平治ノ要求ヲ充シ得ルカ如キ經濟ヲ自力ニ依リ發達セシムヘキ機會ヲ與ヘラルヘシ

第二部 聯合國ノ權力

1. 軍事占領

2. 日本政府トノ關係
日本社會ノ現在ノ性格並ニ最小ノ兵力及資材ニ依リ目的ヲ達成セントスル米國ノ希望ニ鑑ミ最高司令官ハ米國ノ目的達成ヲ滿足ニ促進スル限リニ於テハ 天皇ヲ含ム日本政府機關及諸機關ヲ通シテ其權力ヲ行使スヘシ日本政府ハ最高司令官ノ指示ノ下ニ國內行政事項ニ關シ通常ノ政治機能ヲ行使スルコトヲ許容セラルヘシ但シ右方針ハ天皇又ハ他ノ日本ノ機關カ降伏條項實施上最高司令官ノ要求ヲ満足ニ果ササル場合最高司令官カ政府機構又ハ人事ノ變更ヲ要求シ乃至ハ直接行動スル權利及義務ノ下ニ置カルルモノトス尙右方針ハ最高司令官ヲシテ米國ノ目的達成ヲ目途スル前進的改革ヲ抑ヘテ天皇又ハ他ノ日本ノ政府機關ヲ支持セシムルモノニアラス卽チ右方針ハ現在ノ日本統治形式ヲ利用セントスルモノニシテ之ヲ支持セントスルモノニアラス封建的又ハ權力主義的傾向ヲ修正セントスル統治形式ノ變更ハ日本政府ニ依ルト日本國民ニ依ルトヲ問ハス許容セラレ且支持セラルヘシ斯ル變更ノ實現ノ爲日本國民又ハ日本政府カ其ノ反對者抑壓ノ爲强力ヲ行使スル場合ニ於テハ最高司令官ハ麾下ノ部隊ノ安全竝ニ占領ノ目的達成ヲ保障スルニ必要ナル限度ニ於テ之ニ干渉スルモノトス

3. 政策ノ弘布

第三部 政治



集會及公開言論ノ權利ヲ保有スル民主的政黨ハ獎勵セラルベシ但シ占領軍ノ安全ヲ保持スル必要ニ依リ制限セラルベシ 人種、國籍、信教又ハ政治的見解ヲ理由ニ差別待遇ヲ規定スル法律、命令及規則ハ廢止セラルベシ又本文書ニ述ヘラレタル諸目的竝ニ諸政策ト矛盾スルモノハ廢止、停止又ハ所要程度ニ修正セラルベシ、此等諸法規ノ實施ヲ特ニ其ノ任務トスル諸機關ハ廢止又ハ適宜改組セラルベシ、政治的理由ニヨリ日本當局ニヨリ不法ニ監察セラレ居ル者ハ釋放セラルベシ

第四部 經濟







A 平和目的ノミヲ目指シテ將來ノ日本經濟活動ヲ指導セザル者ハ之ヲ經濟界ノ重要ナル地位ニ留メ又ハ斯カル地位選任スルコトヲ禁止スルコト
B 日本商工業ノ大部分ヲ支配シ來リタル產業上及金融上の大「コンビネーション」ノ解體ヲ支持スベキコト

日本ノ現在ノ狀態ハ日本自ラノ行為直接ノ結果ニシテ聯合國ハ其ノ蒙リタル損害復舊ノ重荷ヲ負ハサルベシ 之ガ復舊ハ唯日本國民ガ一切ノ軍國主義的目的ヲ放棄シ欣然且專心平和的生產樣式ニ立向フ曉ニ於テノミ實現セラルベシ、日本ハ物質的再建ニ着手スルト共ニ其ノ經濟活動及經濟上ノ諸機構ヲ徹底的ニ改革シ且日本國民ヲ平和ヘノ線ニ沿ヒ有益ナル職業ニ就カシムルコト必要ナリ聯合國ハ適當ナル期間內ニ右諸措置力實現サルルコトヲ妨クルストアルヘキ條件ヲ課セントスル意圖ナシ

A 甚シキ經濟上ノ苦難ヲ避クルコト
B 入手シ得ル物資ノ公正ナル配給ヲ確保スルコト
C 聯合國政府間ニ協定セラルル賠償引渡ノ要求ニ應スルコト
D 日本國民ノ平和的需要ヲ適度ニ充シ得ル如ク日本經濟ノ再建ヲ促進スルコト



1 賠償
A 日本ノ保持スル領域外ニ在ル日本財產ヲ關係聯合國當局ノ決定ニ從ヒ引渡スコト
B 平和的日本經濟乃至占領軍ニ對スル補給ノ爲必要ナラサル物資、現存資本設備及施設ヲ引渡スコト 尙賠償勘定ニ於テ輸出方指令セラレタルモノ乃至ハ原所有主ヘノ返還ノ爲輸出方指令セラレタルモノノ他荷受主カ所要ノ交換的輸入ノ提供ニ同意乃至ハ外國為替ニヨル支拂ニ同意スル場合ニノミ國外輸出ヲ許容ス、日本非軍事化計畫(「デミリタリゼーション」)ト矛盾シ若クハ之ニ支障ヲ來スカ如キ種類ノ賠償ヲ強要スルコトナカルヘシ
2 返還













1311年(応長元) 鎌倉幕府第10代執権北條師時の命日(新暦11月3日) 詳細
1868年(明治元) 戊辰戦争で鶴ヶ城が開城され、会津藩が新政府軍に降伏する(新暦11月6日) 詳細
1939年(昭和14) 登山家で女性初のエベレスト登頂者田部井淳子の誕生日 詳細
1945年(昭和20)  GHQが「日本に与うる放送遵則(ラジオコード)」(SCAPIN-43)を出す 詳細
GHQが「公衆衛生対策に関する覚書」(SCAPIN-48)を出す 詳細
1968年(昭和43) 第3宮古島台風により宮古島で最大瞬間風速79.8mを記録する 詳細
1980年(昭和55) 文芸評論家・音楽評論家河上徹太郎の命日 詳細