1月24日に、アメリカの フランクリン・ルーズベルとイギリスのウィンストン・チャーチル共同の「カサブランカ宣言」が発表されています。
1月24日に、アメリカの フランクリン・ルーズベルとイギリスのウィンストン・チャーチル共同の「カサブランカ宣言」が発表されています。
〇「カサブランカ宣言」 1943年(昭和18)1月24日
Roosevelt-Churchill Press Conference in Casablanca (Casablanca Declaration)
January 24, 1943
The President: This meeting goes back to the successful landing operations last November, which as you all know were initiated as far back as a year ago, and put into definite shape shortly after the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington in June.
After the operations of last November, it became perfectly clear, with the successes, that time had come for another review of the situation, and a planning for the next steps, especially steps to be taken in 1943. That is why we came here, and our respective staffs came with us, to discuss the practical steps to be taken by the United Nations for prosecution of the war. We have been here about a week.
I might add, too, that we began talking about this after the first of December, and at that time we invited Mr. (Josef) Stalin to join us at a convenient meeting place Mr. Stalin very greatly desired to come, but he was precluded from leaving Russia because he was conducting the new Russian offensive against the Germans along the whole line. We must remember that he is Commander in Chief, and that he is responsible for the very wonderful detailed plan which has been brought to such a successful conclusion since the beginning of the offensive.
In spite of the fact that Mr Stalin was unable to come, the results of the staff meeting have been communicated to him, so that we will continue to keep in very close touch with each other.
I think it can be said that the studies during the past week or ten days are unprecedented in history. Both the Prime Minister and I think back to the days of the first World War when conferences between the French and British and ourselves very rarely lasted more than a few hours or a couple of days. The Chiefs of Staffs have been in intimate touch; they have lived in the same hotel. Each man has become a definite personal friend of his opposite number on the other side.
Furthermore, these conferences have discussed, I think for the first time in history, the whole global picture. It isn’t just one front, just one ocean, or one continent--it is literally the whole world; and that is why the Prime Minister and I feel that the conference is unique in the fact that it has this global aspect.
The Combined Staffs, in these conferences and studies during the past week or ten days, have proceeded on the principle of pooling all of the resources of the United Nations. And I think the second point is that they have reaffirmed the determination to maintain the initiative against the Axis Powers in every part of the world.
These plans covering the initiative and maintenance of the initiative during 1943 cover certain things, such as united operations conducted in different areas of the world. Secondly, the sending of all possible material aid to the Russian offensive, with the double object of cutting down the manpower of Germany and her satellites, and continuing the very great attrition of German munitions and materials of all kinds which are being destroyed every day in such large quantities by the Russian armies.
And, at the same time, the Staffs have agreed on giving all possible aid to the heroic struggle of China--remembering that China is in her sixth year of the war--with the objective, not only in China but in the whole of the Pacific area, of ending any Japanese attempt in the future to dominate the Far East.
Another point, I think we have all had it in our hearts and heads before, but I don’t think that it has ever been put down on paper by the Prime Minister and myself, and that is the determination that peace can come to the world only by the total elimination of German and Japanese war power.
Some of you Britishers know the old story--we had a General called U.S. Grant. His name was Ulysses Simpson Grant, but in my, and the Prime Minister’s early days he was called “Unconditional Surrender” Grant. The elimination of German, Japanese and Italian war power means the unconditional surrender by Germany, Italy, and Japan. That means a reasonable assurance of future world peace. It does not mean the destruction of the population of Germany, Italy, or Japan, but it does mean the destruction of the philosophies in those countries which are based on conquest and the subjugation of other people.
While we have not had a meeting of all of the United Nations, I think that there is no question--in fact we both have great confidence that the same purposes and objectives are in the minds of all of the other United Nations-Russia, China, and all the others.
And so the actual meeting--the main work of the Committee--has been ended, except for a certain amount of resultant paper work--has come to a successful conclusion. I call it a meeting of the minds in regard to all military operations, and, thereafter, that the war is going to proceed against the Axis Powers according to schedule, with every indication that 1943 is going to be an even better year for the United Nations than 1942.
イギリス人の中には、この古い話を知っている人もいるであろう。私たちには、U.S. グラントという将軍がいた。彼の名前はユリシーズ・シンプソン・グラントだったが、私や首相の初期の頃は、「無条件降伏」グラントと呼ばれていた。ドイツ、日本、イタリアの戦争力の除去は、ドイツ、イタリア、日本の無条件降伏を意味する。それは、将来の世界平和が合理的に保証されることを意味する。それは、ドイツ、イタリア、日本の人々の抹殺を意味するのではなく、他国の征服と服従に基づくこれらの国の哲学の破壊を意味する。
こうして、会談の主な仕事である実際の会議は、ある程度の事務作業を除いては、成功裏に終了した。私はこれを、すべての軍事作戦に関する意見の一致と呼び、その後、戦争は枢軸国に対して予定通り進行し、1943年は連合国にとって 1942年よりもさらに良い年になるであろうというあらゆる兆候が見られる会議と呼べるだろう。
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