

カテゴリ: 政治・外交

 加盟国は相互に内国民待遇を与えること、著作物の保護については国籍主義をとることを骨子とし、著作権者名、著作物の発行年月日のほか、©記号(著作権マーク)を付すことを原則としています。1971年(昭和46)には、同条約を改正する「パリ改正条約」 が作成されました。




The Contracting States,
Moved by the desire to assure in all countries copyright protection of literary, scientific and artistic works,
Convinced that a system of copyright protection appropriate to all nations of the world and expressed in a universal convention, additional to, and without impairing international systems already in force, will ensure respect for the rights of the individual and encourage the development of literature, the sciences and the arts,
Persuaded that such a universal copyright system will facilitate a wider dissemination of works of the human mind and increase international understanding,
Have agreed as follows :

Article Ⅰ
Each Contracting State undertakes to provide for the adequate and effective protection of the rights of authors and other copyright proprietors in literary, scientific and artistic works, including writings, musical, dramatic and cinemato­graphic works, and paintings, engravings and sculpture.

Article Ⅱ
1. Published works of nationals of any Contracting State and works first published in that State shall enjoy in each other Contracting State the same protection as that other State accords to works of its nationals first published in its own territory.
2. Unpublished works of nationals of each Contracting State shall enjoy in each other Contracting State the same protection as that other State accords to unpublished works of its own nationals.
3. For the purpose of this Convention any Contracting State may, by domestic legislation, assimilate to its own nationals any person domiciled in that State.

Article Ⅲ
1. Any Contracting State which, under its domestic law, requires as a condition of copyright, compliance with formalities such as deposit, registration, notice, notarial certificates, payment of fees or manufacture or publication in that Contracting State, shall regard these requirements as satisfied with respect to all works protected in accordance with this Convention and first published outside its territory and the author of which is not one of its nationals, if from the time of the first publication all the copies of the work published with the authority of the author or other copyright proprietor bear the symbol©accompanied by the name of the copyright proprietor and the year of first publication placed in such manner and location as to give reasonable notice of claim of copyright.
2. The provisions of paragraph l of this article shall not preclude any Contracting State from requiring formalities or other conditions for the acquisi­tion and enjoyment of copyright in respect of works first published in its territory or works of its nationals wherever published.
3. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this article shall not preclude any Contracting State from providing that a person seeking judicial relief must, in bringing the action, comply with procedural requirements, such as that the complainant must appear through domestic counsel or that the complainant must deposit with the court or an administrative office, or both, a copy of the work involved in the litigation; provided that failure to comply with such requir­ements shall not affect the validity of the copyright, nor shall any such requirement be imposed upon a national of another Contracting State if such requirement is not imposed on nationals of the State in which protection is claimed.
4. In each Contracting State there shall be legal means of protecting without formalities the unpublished works of nationals of other Contracting States.
5. If a Contracting State grants protection for more than one term of copyright and the first term is for a period longer than one of the minimum periods prescribed in article IV, such State shall not be required to comply with the provisions of pararaph{sic} 1 of this article III in respect of the second or any subsequent term of copyright.

Article Ⅳ
l. The duration of protection of a work shall be governed, in accordance with the provisions of article II and this article, by the law of the Contracting State in which protection is claimed.
2. The term of protection for works protected under this Convention shall not be less than the life of the author and 25 years after his death.
However, any Contracting State which, on the effective date of this Con­vention in that State, has limited this term for certain classes of works to a period computed from the first publication of the work, shall be entitled to maintain these exceptions and to extend them to other classes of works. For all these classes the term of protection shall not be less than 25 years from the date of first publication.
Any Contracting State which, upon the effective date of this Convention in that State, does not compute the term of protection upon the basis of the life of the author, shall be entitled to compute the term of protection from the date of the first publication of the work or from its registration prior to publication, as the case may be, provided the term of protection shall not be less than 25 years from the date of first publication or from its registration or from its registration prior to publication, as the case may be.
If the legislation of a Contracting State grants two or more successive terms of protection, the duration of the first term shall not be less than one of the mini­mum periods specified above.
3. The provisions of paragraph 2 of this article shall not apply to photo­graphi works or to works of applied art; provided, however, that the term of protection in those Contracting States which protect photographic works, or works of applied art in so far as they are protected as artistic works, shall not be less than ten years for each of said classes of works.
4. No Contracting State shall be obliged to grant protection to a work for a period longer than that fixed for the class of works to which the work in question belongs, in the case of unpublished works by the law of the Contracting State of which the author is a national, and in the case of published works by the law of the Contracting State in which the work has been first published.
For the purposes of the application of the preceding provision, if the law of any Contracting State grants two or more successive terms of protection, the period of protection of that State shall be considered to be the aggregate of those terms. However, if a specified work is not protected by such State during the second or any subsequent term for any reason, the other Contracting States shall not be obliged to protect it during the second or any subsequent term.
5. For the purposes of the application of paragraph 4 of this article, the work of a national of a Contracting State, first published in a non-Contracting State, shall be treated as though first published in the Contracting State of which the author is a national.
6. For the purposes of the application of paragraph 4 of this article, in case of simultaneous publication in two or more Contracting States, the work shall be treated as though first published in the State which affords the shortest term; any work published in two or more Contracting States within thirty days of its first publication shall be considered as having been published simultaneously in said Contracting States.

Article Ⅴ
1. Copyright shall include the exclusive right of the author to make, publish, and authorize the making and publication of translations of works protected under this Convention.
2. However, any Contracting State may, by its domestic legislation, restrict the right of translation of writings, but only subject to the following provisions :
If, after the expiration of a period of seven years from the date of the first publication of a writing, a translation of such writing has not been published in the national language or languages, as the case may be, of the Contracting State, by the owner of the right of translation or with his authorization, any national of such Contracting State may obtain a non-exclusive licence from the competent authority thereof to translate the work and publish the work so translated in any of the national languages in which it has not been published; provided that such national, in accordance with the procedure of the State concerned, establishes either that he has requested, and been denied, authorization by the proprietor of the right to make and publish the translation, Or that, after due diligence on his part, he was unable to find the owner of the right. A licence may also be granted on the same conditions if all previous editions of a trans­lation in such language are out of print.
If the owner of the right of translation cannot be found, then the applicant for a licence shall send copies of his application to the publisher whose name appears on the work and, if the nationality of the owner of the right of translation is known, to the diplomatic or consular representative of the State of which such owner is a national, or to the organization which may have been designated by the government of that State. The licence shall not be granted before the expiration of a period of two months from the date of the dispatch of the copies of the application.
ue provision shall be made by domestic legislation to assure to the owner of the right of translation a compensation which is just and conforms to international standards, to assure payment and transmittal of such compensation, and to assure a correct translation of the work.
The original title and the name of the author of the work shall be printed on all copies of the published translation. The licence shall be valid only for publication of the translation in the territory of the Contracting State where it has been applied for. Copies so published may be imported and sold in another Contracting State if one of the national languages of such other State is the same language as that into which the work has been so translated, and if the domestic law in such other State makes provision of such licences and does not prohibit such importation and sale. Where the foregoing conditions do not exist, the importation and sale of such copies in a Contracting State shall be governed by its domestic law and its agreements. The licence shall not be transferred by the licensee.
The licence shall not be granted when the author has withdrawn from circulation all copies of the work.

Article Ⅵ
"Publication", as used in this Convention, means the reproduction in tangible form and the general distribution to the public of copies of a work from which it can be read or otherwise visually perceived.

Article Ⅶ
This Convention shall not apply to works or rights in works which, at the effective date of the Convention in a Contracting State where protection is claimed, are permanently in the public domain in the said Contracting State.

Article Ⅷ
1. This Convention, which shall bear the date of September 6 1952, shall be deposited with the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and shall remain open for signature by all States for a period of 120 days after that date. It shall be subject to ratification or acceptance by the signatory States.
2. Any State which has not signed this Convention may accede thereto.
3. Ratification, acceptance or accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument to that effect with the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Article Ⅸ
1. This Convention shall come into force three months after the deposit of twelve instruments of ratification, acceptance or accession, among which there shall be those of four States which are not members of the International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.
2. Subsequently, this Convention shall come into force in respect of each State three months after that State has deposited its instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession.

Article Ⅹ
1. Each State party to this Convention undertakes to adopt, in accordance with its Constitution, such measures as are necessary to ensure the application of this Convention.
2. It is understood, however, that at the time an instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession is deposited on behalf of any State, such State must be in a position under its domestic law to give effect to the terms of this Convention.

Article ⅩⅠ
1. An Intergovernmental Committee is hereby established with the following duties :
a) to study the problems concerning the application and operation of this Convention;
b) to make preparation for periodic revisions of this Convention;
c) to study any other problems concerning the international protection of copyright, in co-operation with the various interested international organizations, such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the International Union for the Protection of Literary and Aristic Works and the Organization of American States;
d) to inform the Contracting States as to its activities.
2. The Committee shall consist of the representatives of twelve Contracting States to be selected with due consideration to fair geographical represen­tation and in conformity with the Resolution1 relating to this article, annexed to this Convention.
The Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Director of the Bureau of the International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and the Secretary-General of the Organization of American States, or their representatives, may attend meetings of the Committee in an advisory capacity.

Article ⅩⅡ
The Intergovernmental Committee shall convene a conference for revision of this Convention whenever it deems necessary, or at the request of at least ten Contracting States, or of a majority of the Contracting States if there are less than twenty Contracting States.

Article ⅩⅢ
Any Contracting State may, at the time of deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession, or at any time thereafter, declare by noti­fication addressed to the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization that this Convention shall apply to all or any of the countries or territories for the international relations of which it is responsible and this Convention shall thereupon apply to the countries or terri­tories named in such notification after the expiration of the term of three months provided for in article IX. In the absence of such notification, this Convention shall not apply to any such country or territory.

Article ⅩⅣ
1. Any Contracting State may denounce this Convention in its own name or on behalf of all or any of the countries or territories as to which a notification has been given under article XIII. The denunciation shall be made by notification addressed to the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
2. Such denunciation shall operate only in respect of the State or of the country or territory on whose behalf it was made and shall not take effect until twelve months after the date of receipt of the notification.

Article ⅩⅤ
A dispute between two or more Contracting States concerning the inter­pretation or application of this Convention, not settled by negotiation, shall, unless the States concerned agree on some other method of settlement, be brought before the International Court of Justice for determination by it.

Article ⅩⅥ
1. This Convention shall be established in English, French and Spanish. The three texts shall be signed and shall be equally authoritative.
2. Official texts of this Convention shall be established in German, Italian and Portuguese.
Any Contracting State or group of Contracting States shall be entitled to have established by the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization other texts in the language of its choice by arrangement with the Director-General.
All such texts shall be annexed to the signed texts of this Convention.

Article ⅩⅦ
1. This Convention shall not in any way affect the provisions of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works or membership in the Union created by that Convention.
2. In application of the foregoing paragraph, a Declaration has been annexed to the present article. This Declaration is an integral part of this Convention for the States bound by the Berne Convention on January 1, 1951, or which have or may become bound to it at a later date. The signature of this Convention by such States shall also constitute signature of the said Declara­tion, and ratification, acceptance or accession by such States shall include the Declaration as well as the Convention.

Article ⅩⅧ
This Convention shall not abrogate multilateral or bilateral copyright conventions or arrangements that are or may be in effect exclusively between two or more American Republics. In the event of any difference either between the provisions of such existing conventions or arrangements and the provisions of this Convention, or between the provisions of this Convention and those of any new convention or arrangement which may be formulated between two or more American Republics after this Convention comes into force, the convention or arrangement most recently formulated shall prevail between the parties thereto. Rights in works acquired in any Contracting State under existing conventions or arrangements before the date this Convention comes into force in such State shall not be affected.

Article ⅩⅨ
This Convention shall not abrogate multilateral or bilateral conventions or arrangements in effect between two or more Contracting States. In the event of any difference between the provisions of such existing conventions or arrangements and the provisions of this Convention, the provisions of this Convention shall prevail. Rights in works acquired in any Contracting State under existing conventions or arrangements before the date on which this Convention comes into force in such State shall not be affected. Nothing in this article shall affect the provisions of articles XVII and XVIII of this Convention.

Article ⅩⅩ
Reservations to this Convention shall not be permitted.

Article ⅩⅩⅠ
The Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization shall send duly certified copies of this Convention to the States interested, to the Swiss Federal Council and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration by him.
He shall also inform all interested States of the ratifications, acceptances and accessions which have been deposited, the date on which this Convention comes into force, the notifications under Article XIII of this Convention, and denunciations under Article XIV.


The States which are members of the International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, and which are signatories to the Universal Copyright Convent1on, Desiring to reinforce their mutual relations on the basis of the said Union and to avoid any conflict which might result from the co-existence of the Convention of Berne and the Universal Convention,
Have, by common agreement, accepted the terms of the following declaration :
a) Works which, according to the Berne Convention, have as their country of origin a country which has withdrawn from the International Union created by the said Convention, after January 1, 1951, shall not be protected by the Universal Copyright Convention in the countries of the Berne Union;
b) The Universal Copyright Convention shall not be applicable to the relationships among countries of the Berne Union insofar as it relates to the protection of works having as their country of origin, within the meaning of the Berne Convention, a country of the International Union created by the said Convention.


The Intergovernmental Copyright Conference
Having considered the problems relating to the Intergovernmental Committee provided for in Article XI of the Universal Copyright Convention
I. The first members of the Committee shall be representatives of the following twelve States, each of those States designating one representative and an alternate : Argentine, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States of America.
2. The Committee shall be constituted as soon as the Convention comes into force in accordance with article XI of this Convention;
3. The Committee shall elect its Chairman and one Vice-Chairman. It shall establish its rules of procedure having regard to the following principles :
a) the normal duration of the term of office of the representatives shall be six years; with one third retiring every two years;
b) before the expiration of the term of office of any members, the Committee shall decide which States shall cease to be represented on it and which States shall be called upon to designate representatives; the representatives of those States which have not ratified, accepted or acceded shall be the first to retire;
c) the different parts of the world shall be fairly represented;
And expresses the wish
that the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization provide its Secretariat.
IN FAITH WHEREOF the undersigned, having deposited their respective full powers, have signed this Convention.
DONE at Geneva, this sixth day of September, 1952 in a single copy.


The States parties hereto, being also parties to the Universal Copyright Convention (hereinafter referred to as the "Convention") have accepted the following provisions :
1. Stateless persons and refugees who have their habitual residence in a State party to this Protocol shall, for the purposes of the Convention, be assimil­ated to the nationals of that State.
2. (a) This Protocol shall be signed and shall be subject to ratification or acceptance, or may be acceded to, as if the provisions of article VIII of the Convention applied hereto.
(b) This Protocol shall enter into force in respect of each State, on the date of deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession of the State concerned or on the date of entry into force of the Convention with respect to such State, whichever is the later.
IN FAITH WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Protocol.
DONE at Geneva this sixth day of September 1952, in the English, French and Spanish languages, the three texts being equally authoritative, in a single copy which shall be deposited with the Director-General of Unesco. The Director-General shall send certified copies to the signatory States, to the Swiss Federal Council and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration.


The State parties hereto, being also parties to the Universal Copyright Convention (hereinafter referred to as the "Convention"),
Have accepted the following provisions :
I. (a) The protection provided for in article II (1) of the Convention shall apply to works published for the first time by the United Nations, by the Spe­cialized Agencies in relationship therewith, or by the Organisation of American States;
(b) Similarly, article II (2) of the Convention shall apply to the said organi­sation or agencies.
2. (a) This Protocol shall be signed and shall be subject to ratification or acceptance, or may be acceded to, as if the provisions of article VIII of the Convention applied hereto.
(b) This Protocol shall enter into force for each State on the date of deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession of the State concerned or on the date of entry into force of the Convention with respect to such State, whichever is the later.
IN FAITH WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Protocol.
DONE at Geneva, this sixth day of September, 1952, in the English, French and Spanish languages, the three texts being equally authoritative, in a single copy which shall be deposited with the Director-General of the Unesco.
The Director-General shall send certificated copies to the signatory States, to the Swiss Federal Council, and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration.


States parties hereto,
Recognizing that the application of the Universal Copyright Convention (hereinafter referred to as the "Convention") to States participating in all the international copyright systems already in force will contribute greatly to the value of the Convention :
Have agreed as follows :
1. Any State party hereto may, on depositing its instrument of ratification or acceptance of or accession to the Convention, notify the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (hereinafter referred to as "Director-General") that that instrument shall not take effect for the purposes of Article IX of the Convention until any other State named in such notification shall have deposited its instrument.
2. The notification referred to in paragraph 1 above shall accompany the instrument to which it relates.
3. The Director-General shall inform all States signatory or which have then acceded to the Convention of any notifications received in accordance with this Protocol.
4. This Protocol shall bear the same date and shall remain open for signa­ture for the same period as the Convention.
5. It shall be subject to ratification or acceptance by the signatory States. Any State which has not signed this Protocol may accede thereto.
6. a) Ratification or acceptance or accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument to that effect with the Director-General.
b) This Protocol shall enter into force on the date of deposit of not less than four instruments of ratification or acceptance or accession. The Director­ General shall inform all interested States of this date. Instruments deposited after such date shall take effect on the date of their deposit.
IN FAITH WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Protocol.

DONE at Geneva, the sixth day of September 1952, in the English, French and Spanish languages, the three texts being equally authoritative, in a single copy which shall be annexed to the original copy of the Convention. The Director-General shall send certified copies to the signatory States, to the Swiss Federal Council, and to the Secretary-General of United Nations for registration.





1 いずれかの締約国の国民の発行された著作物及びいずれかの締約国で最初に発行された著作物は、他のいずれの締約国においても、その締約国が自国で最初に発行された自国民の著作物に与えている保護と同一の保護を受けるものとする。
2 いずれかの締約国の国民の発行されていない著作物は、他のいずれの締約国においても、その締約国が自国民の発行されていない著作物に与えている保護と同一の保護を受けるものとする。
3 締約国は、この条約の適用上、自国に住所を有するいかなる者についても、自国の国内法令により自国民と同一の取扱をすることができる。

1 締約国は、自国の国内法令に基き著作権の保護の条件として納入、登録、表示、公証人による証明、手数料の支払又は自国内における製造若しくは発行のような方式に従うことを要求するときは、この条約に基いて保護を受ける著作物で、自国外で最初に発行され、かつ、その著作者が自国民でないものについて、著作者又は著作権を有する他の者の許諾を得て発行された著作物のすべての複製物にその最初の発行の時から©の記号が著作権を有する者の氏名及び最初の発行の年とともに表示されている限り、これらの要求が満たされたものと認めなければならない。ただし、その記号、氏名及び発行の年は、著作権が留保されていることを表示するのに適当な方法で、かつ、適当な場所に掲げなければならない。
2 前項の規定は、締約国が、自国で最初に発行された著作物又は発行の場所のいかんを問わず発行された自国民の著作物について、著作権の取得及び享有を確保するため、一定の方式その他の条件を要求することを妨げるものではない。
3 1の規定は、司法上の救済を求める者が、訴を提起するに当り、国内で開業する弁護士に依頼しなければならないとか、裁判所若しくは行政機関に対し又はその双方に対して訴訟に係る著作物の複製物を一部納入しなければならないというような手続上の要件を満たすべきことを締約国が定めることを妨げるものではない。もっとも、これらの要件の不履行は、著作権の効力に影響を及ぼすものではなく、また、そのいずれの要件も、保護の要求される国の国民に課していないときは、他の締約国の国民に課することができない。
4 いずれの締約国においても、他の締約国の国民の発行されていない著作物を方式を要しないで保護するための法的手段が確保されなければならない。
5 締約国は、著作権について2以上の保護期間を許与する場合において最初の期間が次条に定める最短の期間より長いときは、2番目以後の保護期間に関し1の規定に従うことを要しない。

1 著作物の保護期間は、第2条及びこの条の規定に従い、保護の要求される締約国の法令により定めるものとする。
2 この条約に基いて保護を受ける著作物の保護期間は、著作者の生存間及びその死後25年からなる期間より短くてはならない。もっとも、いずれかの締約国が自国におけるこの条約の効力発生の日にある種類の著作物に関して保護期間を最初の発行から起算する期間に限定しているときは、その締約国は、その例外を維持し、及びこれを他の種類の著作物に及ぼすことができる。これらのすべての種類の著作物に関する保護期間は、その最初の発行の日から起算して25年より短くてはならない。
3 前項の規定は、写真的著作物及び応用美術の作品には適用しない。ただし、写真的著作物を保護し、又は応用美術の作品を美術的著作物として保護している締約国においては、これらの種類の著作物に関する保護期間は、いずれも10年より短くてはならない。
4 締約国は、いずれの著作物についても、発行されていないものの場合にはその著作者が国籍を有する締約国の法令により、及び発行されたものの場合にはそれが最初に発行された締約国の法令により当該著作物の種類について定められている期間より長い期間保護を与える義務を負わない。
5 締約国の国民の著作物で非締約国で最初に発行されたものは、前項の規定の適用上、その著作者が国籍を有する締約国で最初に発行されたものとみなす。
6 2以上の締約国で同時に発行された著作物は、4の規定の適用上、最も短い保護期間を許与する締約国で最初に発行されたものとみなす。最初の発行の日から30日以内に2以上の締約国で発行された著作物は、これらの締約国で同時に発行されたものとみなす。

1 著作権は、この条約に基いて保護を受けている著作物を翻訳し、その翻訳を発行し、並びにこれらの著作物の翻訳及びその発行を許諾する排他的権利を含む。
2 もっとも、締約国は、次の諸規定に従うことを条件として自国の国内法令により文書に関する翻訳権を制限することができる。



1 この条約は、1952年9月6日の日付を有し、国際連合教育科学文化機関事務局長に寄託するものとし、その日付の日から起算して120日の期間すべての国の署名のため開放しておく。この条約は、署名国による批准又は受諾を要するものとする。
2 この条約に署名しなかったいずれの国も、これに加入することができる。
3 批准、受諾又は加入は、そのための文書を国際連合教育科学文化機関事務局長に寄託することにより行うものとする。

1 この条約は、文学的及び美術的著作物保護国際同盟の加盟国でない4国を含む12国の批准、受諾又は加入のための文書の寄託の後3箇月で効力を生ずる。
2 その後は、この条約は、その他の各国については、それぞれその国の批准、受諾又は加入のための文書の寄託の後3箇月で効力を生ずる。

1 各締約国は、自国の憲法に従い、この条約の適用を確保するため必要な措置を執るものとする。
2 もっとも、各国は、自国の批准、受諾又は加入のための文書が寄託された時に、自国の国内法令に基いてこの条約の規定を実施することができる状態になっていなければならないと了解される。

1 次の任務を有する政府間委員会を設置する。
 (a) この条約の適用及び運用に関する問題を研究すること。
 (b) この条約の定期的の改正を準備すること。
 (c) 国際連合教育科学文化機関、文学的及び美術的著作物保護国際同盟、アメリカ州諸国機構等の諸種の関係国際機関と協力して著作権の国際的保護に関するその他の問題を研究すること。
 (d) 締約国に対し自己の活動を通報すること。
2 委員会は、地理的に公平な代表となるように相当の考慮を払い、かつ、この条約に附属しているこの条に関する決議に従って選ばれる12の締約国の代表者からなる。



1 締約国は、自国のために、又は前条の規定による通告の対象となった国若しくは領域の全部若しくは一部のためにこの条約を廃棄することができる。廃棄は、国際連合教育科学文化機関事務局長にあてた通告により行うものとする。
2 廃棄は、廃棄の通告が行われた締約国又は国若しくは領域についてのみ適用があるものとし、通告が受領された日の後12箇月間は効力を生じない。


1 この条約は、英語、フランス語及びスペイン語により作成する。これらの3本文は、署名されるものとし、ひとしく正文とする。
2 ドイツ語、イタリア語及びポルトガル語によりこの条約の公定本文を作成する。

1 この条約は、文学的及び美術的著作物の保護に関するベルヌ条約の規定及び同条約により創設された同盟の加盟国の地位になんら影響を及ぼすものではない。
2 前項の規定の適用に関し、この条に宣言が附属している。この宣言は、1951年1月1日にベルヌ条約により拘束されていた国又はその後これに加入する国に関し、この条約の不可分の一部をなす。これらの国によるこの条約への署名は、この宣言への署名としての効力をも有し、これらの国によるこの条約の批准若しくは受諾又はこれへの加入は、それぞれ、この宣言の批准若しくは受諾又はこれへの加入をも含むものとする。





 (a) ベルヌ条約により創設された国際同盟から1951年1月1日後に脱退した国を同条約
 (b) 万国著作権条約はベルヌ条約により創設された国際同盟の加盟国の1を同条約の規定に基いて本国とする著作物の保護に関する限り、ベルヌ同盟国間の関係については、適用しない。

1 委員会の最初の委員は、次の12国の代表者とし、これらの国は、それぞれ代表者1人とその代理者1人を任命するものとする。
2 委員会は、この条約が効力を生じた後第11条の規定に従って直ちに構成されるものとする。
3 委員会は、委員長1人と副委員長1人を選出するものとする。委員会は、次の原則の実施を確保する内部規則を定めるものとする。
 (a) 代表者の通常の任期は、6年とし、2年ごとにその3分の1を改めて任命するものとする。
 (b) 委員会は、委員の任期の満了前に、委員会に代表者を送ることを終止する国及び代表者を任命すべき国を決定しなければならない。批准、受諾又は加入をしていない国の代表者は、第1番に退任するものとする。
 (c) 世界の各地域から公平に代表者が送られなければならない。



1 この議定書の締約国に常時居住する無国籍者及び亡命者については、条約の適用上、その国の国民と同一の取扱をするものとする。
2 (a)条約第8条の規定の例により、この議定書は、署名され、かつ、批准又は受諾を要するものとし、また、これに加入することができる。


1 (a)条約第2条1に定める保護は、国際連合、国際連合と連携関係をもたされる専門機関又はアメリカ州諸国機構が最初に発行した著作物に適用する。
2 (a)条約第8条の規定の例により、この議定書は、署名され、かつ、批准又は受諾を要するものとし、また、これに加入することができる。


1 この議定書の締約国は、条約の批准若しくは受諾又はこれへの加入のための文書の寄託の時に、国際連合教育科学文化機関事務局長(以下「事務局長」という。)に対して通告を行い、当該文書が、条約第9条の規定の適用上、その通告書に掲げる他のいずれかの国が批准、受諾又は加入のための文書を寄託するまで効力を生じない旨を宣言することができる。
2 前項の規定による通告書は、それが関係する文書に添付するものとする。
3 事務局長は、この議定書の規定に従って受領したすべての通告について、条約に署名し、又は加入したすべての国に通報するものとする。
4 この議定書は、条約と同一の日付を有し、また、条約の場合と同一の期間署名のため開放しておく。
5 この議定書は、署名国による批准又は受諾を要するものとする。この議定書に署名しなかったいずれの国も、これに加入することができる。
6 (a)批准、受諾又は加入は、そのための文書を事務局長に寄託することにより行うものとする。





712年(和銅5) 太安万侶が編纂した『古事記』が完成し、元明天皇に献上される(新暦3月9日) 詳細
1582年(天正10) 天正遣欧使節がローマに向かって長崎港を出港する(新暦2月20日) 詳細
1886年(明治19) 日本とハワイ王国との間で、「布哇国渡航条約」(明治19年勅令無号)が締結される 詳細
1912年(明治45) 放射線医学者高橋信次の誕生日 詳細
1924年(大正13) 上野公園・上野動物園が宮内省から東京市に下賜される 詳細
1946年(昭和21) GHQが「映画検閲に関する覚書」(SCAPIN-658)を出す 詳細
1948年(昭和23) 関西汽船「女王丸」が瀬戸内海で触雷して沈没、死者・行方不明者188名を出す(女王丸沈没事故) 詳細
このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 mixiチェック





The States Parties to this Treaty,
Determined to contribute to the realization of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,
Deeply concerned about the catastrophic humanitarian consequences that would result from any use of nuclear weapons, and recognizing the consequent need to completely eliminate such weapons, which remains the only way to guarantee
that nuclear weapons are never used again under any circumstances,
Mindful of the risks posed by the continued existence of nuclear weapons,
including from any nuclear-weapon detonation by accident, miscalculation or design, and emphasizing that these risks concern the security of all humanity, and that all States share the responsibility to prevent any use of nuclear weapons,
Cognizant that the catastrophic consequences of nuclear weapons cannot be adequately addressed, transcend national borders, pose grave implications for human survival, the environment, socioeconomic development, the global economy,
food security and the health of current and future generations, and have a disproportionate impact on women and girls, including as a result of ionizing radiation,
Acknowledging the ethical imperatives for nuclear disarmament and the urgency of achieving and maintaining a nuclear-weapon-free world, which is a global public good of the highest order, serving both national and collective security interests,
Mindful of the unacceptable suffering of and harm caused to the victims of the use of nuclear weapons (hibakusha), as well as of those affected by the testing of nuclear weapons,
Recognizing the disproportionate impact of nuclear-weapon activities on indigenous peoples,
Reaffirming the need for all States at all times to comply with applicable international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law,
Basing themselves on the principles and rules of international humanitarian law, in particular the principle that the right of parties to an armed conflict to choose methods or means of warfare is not unlimited, the rule of distinction, the prohibition against indiscriminate attacks, the rules on proportionality and precautions in attack,
the prohibition on the use of weapons of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering, and the rules for the protection of the natural environment,
Considering that any use of nuclear weapons would be contrary to the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict, in particular the principles and rules of international humanitarian law,
Reaffirming that any use of nuclear weapons would also be abhorrent to the principles of humanity and the dictates of public conscience,
Recalling that, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, States must refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations, and that the establishment and maintenance of international peace and security are to be promoted with the least diversion for armaments of the world’s human and economic resources,
Recalling also the first resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations, adopted on 24 January 1946, and subsequent resolutions which call for the elimination of nuclear weapons,
Concerned by the slow pace of nuclear disarmament, the continued reliance on nuclear weapons in military and security concepts, doctrines and policies, and the waste of economic and human resources on programmes for the production,
maintenance and modernization of nuclear weapons,
Recognizing that a legally binding prohibition of nuclear weapons constitutes an important contribution towards the achievement and maintenance of a world free of nuclear weapons, including the irreversible, verifiable and transparent
elimination of nuclear weapons, and determined to act towards that end,
Determined to act with a view to achieving effective progress towards general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control,
Reaffirming that there exists an obligation to pursue in good faith and bring to a conclusion negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects under strict and effective international control,
Reaffirming also that the full and effective implementation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which serves as the cornerstone of the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime, has a vital role to play in
promoting international peace and security,
Recognizing the vital importance of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and its verification regime as a core element of the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime,
Reaffirming the conviction that the establishment of the internationally recognized nuclear-weapon-free zones on the basis of arrangements freely arrived at among the States of the region concerned enhances global and regional peace and
security, strengthens the nuclear non-proliferation regime and contributes towards realizing the objective of nuclear disarmament,
Emphasizing that nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of its States Parties to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination,
Recognizing that the equal, full and effective participation of both women and men is an essential factor for the promotion and attainment of sustainable peace and security, and committed to supporting and strengthening the effective
participation of women in nuclear disarmament,
Recognizing also the importance of peace and disarmament education in all its aspects and of raising awareness of the risks and consequences of nuclear weapons for current and future generations, and committed to the dissemination of
the principles and norms of this Treaty,
Stressing the role of public conscience in the furthering of the principles of humanity as evidenced by the call for the total elimination of nuclear weapons, and recognizing the efforts to that end undertaken by the United Nations, the
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, other international and regional organizations, non-governmental organizations, religious leaders,
parliamentarians, academics and the hibakusha,
Have agreed as follows:

Article 1 Prohibitions

1. Each State Party undertakes never under any circumstances to:
(a) Develop, test, produce, manufacture, otherwise acquire, possess or stockpile nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices;
(b) Transfer to any recipient whatsoever nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices or control over such weapons or explosive devices directly or
(c) Receive the transfer of or control over nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices directly or indirectly;
(d) Use or threaten to use nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices;
(e) Assist, encourage or induce, in any way, anyone to engage in any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Treaty;
(f) Seek or receive any assistance, in any way, from anyone to engage in any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Treaty;
(g) Allow any stationing, installation or deployment of any nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices in its territory or at any place under its jurisdiction or control.

Article 2 Declarations

1. Each State Party shall submit to the Secretary-General of the United Nations,not later than 30 days after this Treaty enters into force for that State Party, a declaration in which it shall:
(a) Declare whether it owned, possessed or controlled nuclear weapons or nuclear explosive devices and eliminated its nuclear-weapon programme, including the elimination or irreversible conversion of all nuclear-weapons-related facilities, prior to the entry into force of this Treaty for that State Party;
(b) Notwithstanding Article 1 (a), declare whether it owns, possesses or controls any nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices;
(c) Notwithstanding Article 1 (g), declare whether there are any nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices in its territory or in any place under its jurisdiction or control that are owned, possessed or controlled by another State.
2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall transmit all such declarations received to the States Parties.

Article 3 Safeguards

1. Each State Party to which Article 4, paragraph 1 or 2, does not apply shall, at a minimum, maintain its International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards obligations in force at the time of entry into force of this Treaty, without prejudice to any additional relevant instruments that it may adopt in the future.
2. Each State Party to which Article 4, paragraph 1 or 2, does not apply that has not yet done so shall conclude with the International Atomic Energy Agency and bring into force a comprehensive safeguards agreement (INFCIRC/153
(Corrected)). Negotiation of such agreement shall commence within 180 days from the entry into force of this Treaty for that State Party. The agreement shall enter into force no later than 18 months from the entry into force of this Treaty for that State Party. Each State Party shall thereafter maintain such obligations, without prejudice to any additional relevant instruments that it may adopt in the future.

Article 4 Towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons

1. Each State Party that after 7 July 2017 owned, possessed or controlled nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices and eliminated its nuclear-weapon programme, including the elimination or irreversible conversion of all nuclearweapons-related facilities, prior to the entry into force of this Treaty for it, shall cooperate with the competent international authority designated pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Article for the purpose of verifying the irreversible elimination of its nuclear-weapon programme. The competent international authority shall report to the States Parties. Such a State Party shall conclude a safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency sufficient to provide credible assurance of the non-diversion of declared nuclear material from peaceful nuclear activities and of the absence of undeclared nuclear material or activities in that State Party as a whole.Negotiation of such agreement shall commence within 180 days from the entry into force of this Treaty for that State Party. The agreement shall enter into force no later than 18 months from the entry into force of this Treaty for that State Party. That State Party shall thereafter, at a minimum, maintain these safeguards obligations, without prejudice to any additional relevant instruments that it may adopt in the future.
2. Notwithstanding Article 1 (a), each State Party that owns, possesses or controls nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices shall immediately remove them from operational status, and destroy them as soon as possible but not
later than a deadline to be determined by the first meeting of States Parties, in accordance with a legally binding, time-bound plan for the verified and irreversible elimination of that State Party’s nuclear-weapon programme, including the elimination or irreversible conversion of all nuclear-weapons-related facilities. The State Party, no later than 60 days after the entry into force of this Treaty for that State Party, shall submit this plan to the States Parties or to a competent international authority designated by the States Parties. The plan shall then be negotiated with the competent international authority, which shall submit it to the subsequent meeting of States Parties or review onference, whichever comes first,for approval in accordance with its rules of procedure.
3. A State Party to which paragraph 2 above applies shall conclude a safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency sufficient to provide credible assurance of the non-diversion of declared nuclear material from peaceful nuclear activities and of the absence of undeclared nuclear material or activities in the State as a whole. Negotiation of such agreement shall commence no later than the date upon which implementation of the plan referred to in paragraph 2 is completed. The agreement shall enter into force no later than 18 months after the date of initiation of negotiations. That State Party shall thereafter, at a minimum,maintain these safeguards obligations, without prejudice to any additional relevant instruments that it may adopt in the future. Following the entry into force of the agreement referred to in this paragraph, the State Party shall submit to the Secretary-General of the United Nations a final declaration that it has fulfilled its obligations under this Article.
4. Notwithstanding Article 1 (b) and (g), each State Party that has any nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices in its territory or in any place under its jurisdiction or control that are owned, possessed or controlled by another State shall ensure the prompt removal of such weapons, as soon as possible but not later than a deadline to be determined by the first meeting of States Parties. Upon the removal of such weapons or other explosive devices, that State Party shall submit to the Secretary-General of the United Nations a declaration that it has fulfilled its obligations under this Article.
5. Each State Party to which this Article applies shall submit a report to each meeting of States Parties and each review conference on the progress made towards the implementation of its obligations under this Article, until such time as they are fulfilled.
6. The States Parties shall designate a competent international authority or authorities to negotiate and verify the irreversible elimination of nuclear-weapons programmes, including the elimination or irreversible conversion of all nuclearweapons-related facilities in accordance with paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article.In the event that such a designation has not been made prior to the entry into force of this Treaty for a State Party to which paragraph 1 or 2 of this Article applies, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall convene an extraordinary meeting of States Parties to take any decisions that may be required.

Article 5 National implementation

1. Each State Party shall adopt the necessary measures to implement its obligations under this Treaty.
2. Each State Party shall take all appropriate legal, administrative and other measures, including the imposition of penal sanctions, to prevent and suppress any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Treaty undertaken by persons or on territory under its jurisdiction or control.

Article 6 Victim assistance and environmental remediation

1. Each State Party shall, with respect to individuals under its jurisdiction who are affected by the use or testing of nuclear weapons, in accordance with applicable international humanitarian and human rights law, adequately provide age- and gender-sensitive assistance, without discrimination, including medical care,rehabilitation and psychological support, as well as provide for their social and economic inclusion.
2. Each State Party, with respect to areas under its jurisdiction or control contaminated as a result of activities related to the testing or use of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, shall take necessary and appropriate measures towards the environmental remediation of areas so contaminated.
3. The obligations under paragraphs 1 and 2 above shall be without prejudice to the duties and obligations of any other States under international law or bilateral agreements.

Article 7 International cooperation and assistance

1. Each State Party shall cooperate with other States Parties to facilitate the implementation of this Treaty.
2. In fulfilling its obligations under this Treaty, each State Party shall have the right to seek and receive assistance, where feasible, from other States Parties.
3. Each State Party in a position to do so shall provide technical, material and financial assistance to States Parties affected by nuclear-weapons use or testing, to further the implementation of this Treaty.
4. Each State Party in a position to do so shall provide assistance for the victims of the use or testing of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
5. Assistance under this Article may be provided, inter alia, through the United Nations system, international, regional or national organizations or institutions,
non-governmental organizations or institutions, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, or national Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, or on a bilateral basis.
6. Without prejudice to any other duty or obligation that it may have under international law, a State Party that has used or tested nuclear weapons or any other nuclear explosive devices shall have a responsibility to provide adequate assistance to affected States Parties, for the purpose of victim assistance and environmental remediation.

Article 8 Meeting of States Parties

1. The States Parties shall meet regularly in order to consider and, where necessary, take decisions in respect of any matter with regard to the application or implementation of this Treaty, in accordance with its relevant provisions, and on further measures for nuclear disarmament, including:
(a) The implementation and status of this Treaty;
(b) Measures for the verified, time-bound and irreversible elimination of nuclear-weapon programmes, including additional protocols to this Treaty;
(c) Any other matters pursuant to and consistent with the provisions of this Treaty.
2. The first meeting of States Parties shall be convened by the Secretary-General of the United Nations within one year of the entry into force of this Treaty.Further meetings of States Parties shall be convened by the Secretary-General of the United Nations on a biennial basis, unless otherwise agreed by the States Parties.The meeting of States Parties shall adopt its rules of procedure at its first session.Pending their adoption, the rules of procedure of the United Nations conference to negotiate a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination, shall apply.
3. Extraordinary meetings of States Parties shall be convened, as may be deemed necessary, by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, at the written request of any State Party provided that this request is supported by at least one
third of the States Parties.
4. After a period of five years following the entry into force of this Treaty, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall convene a conference to review the operation of the Treaty and the progress in achieving the purposes of the Treaty.The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall convene further review conferences at intervals of six years with the same objective, unless otherwise agreed by the States Parties.
5. States not party to this Treaty, as well as the relevant entities of the United Nations system, other relevant international organizations or institutions, regional organizations, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and relevant non-governmental organizations, shall be invited to attend the meetings of States Parties and the review conferences as observers.

Article 9 Costs

1. The costs of the meetings of States Parties, the review conferences and the extraordinary meetings of States Parties shall be borne by the States Parties and States not party to this Treaty participating therein as observers, in accordance with the United Nations scale of assessment adjusted appropriately.
2. The costs incurred by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in the circulation of declarations under Article 2, reports under Article 4 and proposed amendments under Article 10 of this Treaty shall be borne by the States Parties in accordance with the United Nations scale of assessment adjusted appropriately.
3. The cost related to the implementation of verification measures required under Article 4 as well as the costs related to the destruction of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, and the elimination of nuclear-weapon
programmes, including the elimination or conversion of all nuclear-weapons-related facilities, should be borne by the States Parties to which they apply.

Article 10 Amendments

1. At any time after the entry into force of this Treaty, any State Party may propose amendments to the Treaty. The text of a proposed amendment shall be communicated to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall circulate it
to all States Parties and shall seek their views on whether to consider the proposal.If a majority of the States Parties notify the Secretary-General of the United Nations no later than 90 days after its circulation that they support further consideration of the proposal, the proposal shall be considered at the next meeting of States Parties or review conference, whichever comes first.
2. A meeting of States Parties or a review conference may agree upon amendments which shall be adopted by a positive vote of a majority of two thirds of the States Parties. The Depositary shall communicate any adopted amendment to all
States Parties.
3. The amendment shall enter into force for each State Party that deposits its instrument of ratification or acceptance of the amendment 90 days following the deposit of such instruments of ratification or acceptance by a majority of the States Parties at the time of adoption. Thereafter, it shall enter into force for any other State Party 90 days following the deposit of its instrument of ratification or acceptance of the amendment.

Article 11 Settlement of disputes

1. When a dispute arises between two or more States Parties relating to the interpretation or application of this Treaty, the parties concerned shall consult together with a view to the settlement of the dispute by negotiation or by other peaceful means of the parties’ choice in accordance with Article 33 of the Charter of the United Nations.
2. The meeting of States Parties may contribute to the settlement of the dispute,including by offering its good offices, calling upon the States Parties concerned to start the settlement procedure of their choice and recommending a time limit for any agreed procedure, in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Treaty and the Charter of the United Nations.

Article 12 Universality

Each State Party shall encourage States not party to this Treaty to sign, ratify,accept, approve or accede to the Treaty, with the goal of universal adherence of all States to the Treaty.

Article 13 Signature

This Treaty shall be open for signature to all States at United Nations Headquarters in New York as from 20 September 2017.

Article 14 Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession

This Treaty shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by signatory States. The Treaty shall be open for accession.

Article 15 Entry into force

1. This Treaty shall enter into force 90 days after the fiftieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession has been deposited.
2. For any State that deposits its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession after the date of the deposit of the fiftieth instrument of ratification,acceptance, approval or accession, this Treaty shall enter into force 90 days after the date on which that State has deposited its instrument of ratification, acceptance,approval or accession.

Article 16 Reservations

The Articles of this Treaty shall not be subject to reservations.

Article 17 Duration and withdrawal

1. This Treaty shall be of unlimited duration.
2. Each State Party shall, in exercising its national sovereignty, have the right to withdraw from this Treaty if it decides that extraordinary events related to the subject matter of the Treaty have jeopardized the supreme interests of its country. It shall give notice of such withdrawal to the Depositary. Such notice shall include a statement of the extraordinary events that it regards as having jeopardized its supreme interests.
3. Such withdrawal shall only take effect 12 months after the date of the receipt of the notification of withdrawal by the Depositary. If, however, on the expiry of that 12-month period, the withdrawing State Party is a party to an armed conflict,the State Party shall continue to be bound by the obligations of this Treaty and of any additional protocols until it is no longer party to an armed conflict.

Article 18 Relationship with other agreements

The implementation of this Treaty shall not prejudice obligations undertaken by States Parties with regard to existing international agreements, to which they are party, where those obligations are consistent with the Treaty.

Article 19 Depositary

The Secretary-General of the United Nations is hereby designated as the Depositary of this Treaty.

Article 20 Authentic texts

The Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts of this Treaty shall be equally authentic.

DONE at New York, this seventh day of July, two thousand and seventeen.



 関係地域の諸国の任意の取極に基づく国際的に認められた核兵器のない地域の設定は、世界的及び地域的 な平和及び安全を促進し、核不拡散に関する制度を強化し、及び核軍備の縮小という目的の達成に資するとの確信を再確認し、

第1条 禁止

1 締約国は、いかなる場合にも、次のことを行わないことを約束する。

第2条 申告

1 締約国は、この条約が自国について効力を生じた後30日以内に、国際連合事務総長に対して申告を行うものとし、当該申告において。
2 国際連合事務総長は、受領した申告の全てを全締約国に送付する。

第3条 保障措置

1 次条1又は2の規定が適用されない締約国は,少なくとも,この条約が効力を生ずる時に効力を有している国際原子力機関の保障措置の義務を維持する。ただし,当該締約国が将来追加的な関連文書を採択することを妨げない。
2 次条1又は2の規定が適用されない締約国であって,国際原子力機関との間で包括的な保障措置協定( INFCIRC/153 (訂正されたもの))を締結しておらず,また 当該協定を実施していないものは,同機関との間で当該協定を締結し及び実施する。当該協定の交渉は,この条約が当該締約国について効力を生じた時から180日以内に開始しなければならない。当該協定は,この条約が当該締約国について効力を生じた時から18箇月以内に効力を生ずるものとする。当該締約国は,その後は,その義務を維持する。ただし,当該締約国が将来追加的な関連文書を採択することを妨げない。

第4条 核兵器の全面的な廃絶に向けて

1 2017年7月7日後に核兵器その他の核爆発装置を所有し,占有し又は管理した締約国であって,この条約が自国について効力を生ずる前に自国の核兵器計画を廃止 (全ての核兵器関連施設の廃棄又は不可逆的な転換を含む。) した ものは,当該計画の不可逆的な廃止を検証するため,6の規定に従って指定される権限のある国際的な当局と協力する。権限のある国際的な当局は,全締約国に報告する。前記の締約国は,申告された核物質が平和的な原子力活動から転用されていないこと及び当該締約国全体において申告されていない核物質又は活動が存在しない ことについての確証を 与え る上で十分な保障措置協定を国際原子力機関との間で締結する。当該協定の交渉は,この条約が当該締約国について効力を生じた時から180日以内に開始しなければならない。当該協定は,この条約が当該締約国について効力を生じた時から18箇月以内に効力を生ずるものとする。当該締約国は,その後,少なくともこれらの保障措置の義務を維持する。ただし,当該締約国が将来追加的な関連文書を採択することを妨げない。
2 第1条(a)の規定にかかわらず,核兵器その他の核爆発装置を所有し,占有し又は管理する締約国は,それらを運用状態から直ちに撤去し,また,できる限り速やかに,遅くとも締約国の第一回会合が決定する期限までに,自国の核兵器計画の検証され た かつ不可逆的な廃止 (全ての核兵器関連施設の廃棄又は不可逆的な転換を含む。)のための法的拘束力を有し,期限が定められた計画に従い,それらを廃棄する 。当該締約国は,この条約が自国について効力を生じた後60日以内に,全締約国又は全締 約国により指定される権限のある国際的な当局に対し,当該計画を提出する。当該計画については,権限のある国際的な当局と交渉し,当該当局により,締約国の次の会合又は次の検討のための会議のいずれか早い時期に開催されるものに,その手続規則に従い,承認のため提出される。
3 2の規定の適用を受ける締約国は,申告された核物質が平和的な原子力活動から転用されていないこと及び当該締約国全体において申告されていない核物質又は活動が存在しないことについての確証を与える上で十分な保障措置協定を国際原子力機関との間で締結する。当該協定の交渉は,2に規定する計画の実施が完了する日までに開始しなければならない。当該協定は,交渉の開始の日の後18箇月以内に効力を生ずるものとする。当該締約国は,その後,少なくともこれらの保障措置の義務を維持する。ただし,当該締約国が将来追加的な関連文書を採択することを妨げない。この3に規定する協定が効力を生じた後,当該締約国は,国際連合事務総長に対し,自国がこの条に基づく義務を履行した旨の最終的な申告を行う。
4 第1条(b)及び(g)の規定にかかわらず,自国の領域内又は自国の管轄若しくは管理の下にあるいずれかの場所において,他の国が所有し,占有し又は管理する核兵器その他の核爆発装置を有する締約国は,できる限り速やかに,遅くとも締約国の第一回会合が決定する期限までに,当該 核 兵器の速やかな撤去を確保する。当該核兵器その他の核爆発装置が撤去されたときは,当該締約国は,国際連合事務総長に対し,自国がこの条に基づく義務を履行した旨の申告を行う。
5 この条の規定の適用を受ける締約国は,この条の規定に基づく自国の義務 を 履行するまでの間,当該義務の実施の進捗状況に関する報告書を締約国の各会合及び検討のための各会議に提出する。
6 全締約国は,1から3までの規定に従い核兵器計画の不可逆的な廃止(全ての核兵器関連施設の廃棄又は不可逆的な転用を含む。)について交渉し及び検証するための一又は二以上の権限のある国際的な当局を指定する。1又は2の規定の適用を受ける締約国についてこの条約が効力を生ずる前にそのような指定が行われなかった場合には,国際連合事務総長は,必要な決定を行うため,締約国の特別会合を招集する。

第5条 国内の実施

1 締約国は,この条約に基づく自国の義務を履行するために必要な措置をとる。
2 締約国は,この条約によって締約国に対して禁止されている活動であって,自国の管轄若しくは管理の下にある者によるもの又は自国の管轄若しくは管理の下にある領域におけるものを防止し,及び抑止するため,立法上,行政上その他のあらゆる適当な措置(罰則を設けることを含む。)をとる。

第6条 被害者に対する援助及び環境の修復

1 締約国は,自国の管轄の下にある個人であって核兵器の使用又は実験によって影響を受けるものについて,適用可能な 国際人道法及び国際人権法に従い,差別なく,年齢及び性別に配慮した援助(医療,リハビリテーション及び心理的な支援を含む。)を適切に提供し,並びにそのような個人が社会的及び経済的に包容されるようにする。
2 締約国は,核兵器その他の核爆発装置の実験又は使用に関連する活動の結果汚染された地域であって,自国の管轄又は管理の下にあるものについて,当該汚染された地域の環境を修復するため必要かつ適切な措置をとる。
3 1及び2の規定に基づく義務は,国際法又は二国間の協定に基づく 他国の責務及び義務に影響を及ぼすものではない。

第7条 国際的な協力及び援助

1 締約国は,この条約の実施を容易にするため,他の締約国と協力する。
2 締約国は,この条約に基づく義務を履行するに当たり,実行可能な場合には,他の締約国の援助を求め及び受ける権利を有する。
3 援助を提供することのできる締約国は,核兵器の使用又は実験によって影響を受けた締約国に対し,この条約の実施を推進するための技術的,物的及び財政的援助を提供する。
4 援助を提供することのできる締約国は,核兵器その他の核爆発装置の使用又は実験による被害者に対し,援助を提供する。
5 この条の規定に基づく援助は,特に,国際連合及びその関連機関,国際的な,地域的な若しくは国の機関,非政府機関,赤十字国際委員会,国際赤十字・赤新月社連盟又は各国の赤十字社及び赤新月社を通じて又は二国間で提供することができる。
6 核兵器その他の核爆発装置を使用し又は実験を行っ た締約国は,国際法に基づく 当該締約国の他の責務 又は 義務に影響を及ぼすことなく,被害者に対する援助及び環境の修復のため,影響を受けた締約国に対して十分な援助を提供する責任を有する。

第8条 締約国の会合

1 締約国は, この条約の関連規定に従 って, この条約の適用又は実施に関する次の事項を含む問題 について検討するため及び必要な場合には決定を行うため, 並びに核軍備の縮小のために更にとるべき措置 に関し,定期的に会合する。
(b)核兵器計画の検証された,期限が定められた かつ 不可逆的な廃止のための措置(この条約の追加的な議定書を含む。)
2 締約国の第一回会合については,この条約が効力を生じた後1年以内に国際連合事務総長が招集する。締約国間において別段の合意がある場合を除くほか,更なる締約国の会合は,2年ごとに同事務総長が招集する。締約国の会合は,第一 回会合において手続規則を採択する。手続規則が採択されるまでの間,核兵器の全面的な廃絶に向けた核兵器を禁止するための法的拘束力のある文書について交渉するための国際連合会議の手続規則を適用する。
3 締約国の特別会合は,必要と認められるときには,いずれかの締約国から書面による要請がある場合において締約国の少なくとも三分の一がその要請を支持するときに国際連合事務総長が招集する。
4 この条約が効力を生じた日から5年の期間の満了の後,国際連合事務総長は,この条約の運用及びこの条約の目的の達成についての進捗状況を検討するための会議を招集する。同事務総長は,締約国間において別段の合意がある場合を除くほか,同様の目的を有する検討のための会議を6年ごとに更に招集する。
5 締約国の会合及び検討のための会議には,この条約の締約国でない国並びに国際連合及びその関連機関の関連する主体,その他関連する国際的な機関,地域 的な 機関,赤十字国際委員会,国際赤十字・赤新月社連盟並びに関連する非政府機関をオブザーバーとして出席するよう招請する。

第9条 費用

1 締約国の会合,検討のための会議及び締約国の特別会合の費用については,適切に調整された国際連合の分担率に従い,締約国及びこれらの会議にオブザーバーとして参加するこの条約の締約国でない国が負担する。
2 第2条の規定に基づく申告,第4条の規定に基づく報告及び第10条の規定に基づく改正案の配布に当たって国際連合事務総長が要する費用は,適切に調整された国際連合の分担率に従って締約国が負担する。
3 第4条の規定に基づいて要求される検証措置の実施に関連する 費用並びに核兵器その他の核爆発装置の廃棄及び核兵器計画の廃止(全ての核兵器関連施設の廃棄又は転換を含む。)に関連する費用は,これらの適用を受ける締約国が負担する。

第10条 改正

1 いずれの締約国も,この条約が効力を生じた後いつでもこの条約の改正を提案することができる。改正案については,国際連合事務総長に通報するものとし,同事務総長は,当該改正案を全ての締約国に通報し,当該提案を検討すべきか否かについての締約国の見解を求める。締約国の過半数が当該提案を更に検討することを支持する旨を当該提案の通報の後90日以内に同事務総長に通報する場合には,当該提案は,締約国の次の会合又は次の検討のための会議のいずれか早い時期に開催されるものにおいて検討される。
2 締約国の会合又は検討のための会議は ,この条約の改正を合意することができる。改正は,締約国の三分の二以上の多数が賛成票を投ずることによって採択される。寄託者は,採択された改正を全ての締約国に送付する。
3 改正は,当該改正が採択された時に締約国であった国の過半数が批准書又は受諾書を寄託した後90日で,改正の批准書又は受諾書を寄託する締約国について効力を生ずる。その後は,改正は,改正の批准書又は受諾書を寄託する他のいずれの締約国についても,その寄託の後90日で効力を生ずる。

第11条 紛争の解決

1 この条約の解釈又は適用に関して二以上の締約国間で紛争が生ずる場合には,関係当事国は,国際連合憲章第33条の規定に従い,交渉又は当該関係当事国が選択するその他の平和的手段によって紛争を解決するため,協議する。
2 締約国の会合は,この条約及び国際連合憲章の関連規定に従い,あっせんを提供すること,関係締約国に対して当該関係締約国が選択する解決のための手続を開始するよう要請すること,合意された手続に従って解決するための期限を勧告すること等により,紛争の解決に貢献することができる。

第12条 普遍性


第13条 署名


第14条 批准,受諾,承認又は加入


第15条 効力発生

1 この条約は,50番目の批准書,受諾書,承認書又は加入書が寄託された後90日で効力を生ずる。
2 50番目の批准書,受諾書,承認書又は加入書が寄託された日の後に批准書,受諾書,承認書又は加入書を寄託する国については,この条約は,その批准書,受諾書,承認書又は加入書が寄託された日の後90日で効力を生ずる。

第16条 留保


第17条 有効期間及び脱退

1 この条約の有効期間は,無期限とする。
2 締約国は,この条約の対象である事項に関係する異常な事態が自国の至高の利益を危う
3 脱退は,寄託者が脱退の通告を受領した日の後12箇月で効力を生ずる。ただし,脱退する締約国が当該12箇月の期間の満了の時において武力紛争の当事国である場合には,当該締約国が武力紛争の当事 国でなくなるまで,この条約及びこの条約の追加的な議定書の義務に引き続き拘束される。

第18条 他の協定との関係


第19条 寄託者


第20条 正文





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・1月21日 イギリス、日本、アメリカ、フランス、イタリアの五ケ国が参加してロンドン海軍軍縮会議が始まる
・4月22日 アメリカ、イギリス、日本の三ヶ国のみが「ロンドン海軍軍備制限・縮小条約」(有効期間6年)に調印し、ロンドン海軍軍縮会議が終わる
・10月1日 日本の枢密院本会議は、満場一致で条約を可決する
・10月2日 正式に条約が批准される
・11月14日 浜口首相が、東京駅で暴漢に狙撃されて重傷を負う事件(浜口首相狙撃事件)が引き起こされる

・1月1日 「ロンドン海軍軍備制限・縮小条約」が公布される

・10月 アメリカ、イギリス、日本による、第2回ロンドン海軍軍縮会議の予備会議が行われる。

・12月 アメリカ、イギリス、日本の三ヶ国による第2回ロンドン海軍軍縮会議が始まる

・1月15日 日本がロンドン海軍軍縮会議よりの脱退を通告する
・12月31日 「ロンドン海軍軍備制限・縮小条約」と「ワシントン海軍軍備制限条約」が失効する

☆「ロンドン海軍軍備制限・縮小条約」(抄) 1930年(昭和5)4月22日締結、1931年(昭和6)1月1日公布





第一条 締約国ハ千九百二十二年二月六日「ワシントン」ニ於テ相互ノ間ニ署名セラレ且本条約ニ於テ「ワシントン」条約ト称セラルル海軍軍備制限ニ関スル条約ノ第二章第三節ニ規定セラルル主力艦代換トン数ノ龍骨据附ノ自国ノ権利ヲ千九百三十一年乃至千九百三十六年ノ期間中行使セサルコトヲ約ス

第二条 合衆国、「グレート、ブリテン」及北部「アイルランド」連合王国並ニ日本国ハ左ノ主力艦ヲ本条ニ規定セラルル所ニ従ヒ処分スヘシ


第四条 口徑六・一インチ(百五十五ミリメートル)ヲ超ユル砲ヲ搭載スル基準排水量一万トン(一万百六十メートル式トン)又ハ之ニ逹セサル航空母艦ハ何レノ締約国モ之ヲ取得シ又ハ之ヲ建造シ若ハ建造セシムルコトヲ得ス


第二十三条 左ノ例外ヲ留保シ本條約ハ千九百三十六年十二月三十一日至ル迄引続キ効力ヲ有スベシ
 (一) 第四編ハ無期限ニ引続キ効力ヲ有スベシ
 (二) 第三条、第四条及第五条ノ規定並ニ航空母艦ニ関スル限リ第十一条及第二編第二附屬書ノ規定ハ「ワシントン」条約ト同一ノ期間內引続キ効力ヲ有スベシ





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〇「対華二十一箇条要求」 1915年(大正4)1月18日要求

第1号 山東問題の処分に関する条約案


第2号 南満東蒙に於ける日本の地位を明確ならしむる為の条約案


第3号 漢冶萍公司に関する取極案


第4号 中国の領土保全の為の約定案


第5号 中国政府の顧問として日本人傭聘方勧告、其他の件




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〇田沼意次(たぬま おきつぐ)とは?



・1719年(享保4)7月27日 旗本の田沼意行の嫡男として生まれる
・1734年(享保19) 第8代将軍徳川吉宗の世子家重の小姓となる
・1735年(享保20) 父の死去に伴って家督(600石)を継ぐ
・1737年(元文2) 従五位下主殿頭に叙任される
・1747年(延享4) 小姓組番頭格となる
・1748年(寛延元) 1,400石を加増され、合計2,000石となる
・1751年(宝暦元)4月18日 第9代将軍徳川家重の御側衆となる
・1755年(宝暦5) 3,000石を加増され、合計5,000石となる
・1758年(宝暦8) 5,000石の加増により、合計1万石を与えられて大名となる
・1767年(明和4)7月1日 側御用人となって知行2万石に加増され遠江相良に築城する
・1769年(明和6)8月18日 侍従にあがり老中格となる
・1772年(明和9)1月15日 老中に進む
・1772年(明和9)2月29日 明和の大火が起こる
・1783年(天明3) 浅間山の天明大噴火が起こる
・1783年(天明3) 天明の大飢饉が始まる
・1784年(天明4)4月2日 子の意知が江戸城内で暗殺される
・1786年(天明6)8月25日 第10代将軍家治が死去する
・1786年(天明6)8月27日 老中を辞任させられる
・1786年(天明6)閏10月5日 家治時代の加増分の2万石を没収される
・1787年(天明7)10月2日 石高3万7,000石が召上げられ蟄居となる
・1788年(天明8)6月24日 江戸において、数え年70歳で亡くなる


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