イメージ 1


〇ヤルタ協定 (全文) [英文] 1945年(昭和20)2月11日 

Yalta Agreements

The leaders of the three Great Powers - the Soviet Union, the United States of America and Great Britain - have agreed that in two or three months after Germany has surrendered and the war in Europe has terminated the Soviet Union shall enter into the war against Japan on the side of the Allies on condition that:

l . The status quo in Outer-Mongolia (The Mongolian People's Republic) shall be preserved;

2. The former rights of Russia violated by the treacherous attack of Japan in 1904 shall be restored, viz:

(a) the southern part of Sakhalin as well as all the islands adjacent to it shall be returned to the Soviet Union,

(b) the commercial port of Dairen shall be internationalized, the preeminent interests of the Soviet Union in this port being safeguarded and the lease of Port Arthur as a naval base of the USSR restored,

(c) the Chinese-Eastern Railroad and the South-Manchurian Railroad which provides an outlet to Dairen shall be jointly operated by the establishment of a joint Soviet-Chinese Company it being understood that the preeminent interests of the Soviet Union shall be safeguarded and that China shall retain full sovereignty in Manchuria;

3. The Kuril islands shall be handed over to the Soviet Union.

It is understood, that the agreement concerning Outer-Mongolia and the ports and railroads referred to above will require concurrence of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. The President will take measures in order to obtain this concurrence on advice from Marshal Stalin.

The Heads of the three Great Powers have agreed that these claims of the Soviet Union shall be unquestionably fulfilled after Japan has been defeated.

For its part the Soviet Union expresses its readiness to conclude with the National Government of China a pact of friendship and alliance between the USSR and China in order to render assistance to China with its armed forces for the purpose of liberating China from the Japanese yoke.

February 11, 1945









◾(イ) 樺太ノ南部及之ニ隣接スル一切ノ島嶼ハ「ソヴィエト」連邦ニ返還セラルヘシ
◾(ロ) 大連商港ニ於ケル「ソヴィエト」連邦ノ優先的利益ハ之ヲ擁護シ該港ハ国際化セラルヘク又「ソヴィエト」社会主義共和国連邦ノ海軍基地トシテノ旅順口ノ租借権ハ回復セラルヘシ
◾(ハ) 東清鉄道及大連ニ出口ヲ供与スル南満洲鉄道ハ中「ソ」合弁会社ノ設立ニ依リ共同ニ運営セラルヘシ但シ「ソヴィエト」連邦ノ優先的利益ハ保障セラレ又中華民国ハ満洲ニ於ケル完全ナル主権ヲ保有スルモノトス




             外務省編『日本外交年表並主要文書』下巻 1966年刊より