今日は、昭和時代前期の1945年(昭和20)の太平洋戦争後の占領下において、連合国最高司令官指令(SCAPIN)として、日本国政府に対して、「映画企業に対する日本政府の統制の撤廃に関する覚書」 (SCAPIN-146) が指令された日です。
「映画企業に対する日本政府の統制の撤廃に関する覚書(えいがきぎょうにたいするにほんせいふのとうせいのてっぱいにかんするおぼえがき)」は、連合国最高司令官指令(SCAPIN)として日本国政府に対して発せられた基本的施策を定める指示・訓令の一つでした。まず1945年(昭和20)9月10日に、「言論及び新聞の自由に関する覚書」 (SCAPIN-16) が指令され、続いて9月27日に「新聞、言論の自由への追加措置」 (SCAPIN-66) が出されていましたが、10月16日に出された、この指令 (SCAPIN-146) は、さらに、日本政府に対して、ニュース映画を含む映画の言論の自由に関する平時および戦時の制限の実施手順を無効にすることを指令したものです。また、10月4日の「政治的、公民的及び宗教的自由に対する制限の撤廃に関する覚書(民主化指令)」(SCAPIN-93)もこれに適用すべきものとしました。
AG 000.76 (8 Oct 45) CIS 16 October 1945
THROUGH:Central Liaison Office, Tokyo.
SUBJECT:Elimination of Japanese Government Control of the Motion Picture Industry.
1. Further to the directive of 27 September 45 from the Supreme Allied Commander, titled “Further Steps toward Freedom of Press and Speach,” the Japanese Government forthwith will render inoperative the procedures for enforcement of peace-time and war-time restrictions on freedom of speach in motion pictures, including newsreels.
2. The directive of 4 October 45, titled “Removal of Restrictions on Political, Civil, and Religious Liberties,” also shall apply.
3. Pending repeal of laws imposing restrictions on the motion picture industry, making it a channel for dissemination of propaganda, their enforcement shall be suspended.
4. No punitive action will be taken by the Japanese Government or any of its agencies against motion picture companies, producers, actors, directors or other persons or associations of persons engaged in the motion picture or legitimate theater industry for exercising their lawful freedom of speech.
5. Steps shall be taken to repeal the following laws and/or regulations which are inconsistent with the Supreme Commander's directives enumerated in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this order, subject laws including but not restricted to:
Eigaho, Horitsu Dai 66, 5 April, Showa 14 (1939).
Eigaho, Kaisei, Horitsu Dai 35, Showa 16 (1941).
Eigaho, Fusoku, Horitsu Dai 35, Showa 16 (1941).
Eigaho Shikkorei, Chokurei Dai 668, 26 Sept, Showa 14 (1939).
Eigaho, Kaisei, Chokurei 916, Showa 15 (1940).
Eigaho, Fusoku, Chokurei 916, Showa 15 (1940).
Eigaho, Shikko Kisoku; Naimu, Mombu, & Kosei Shorei Dai 1, 27 Sept, Showa 14 (1939).
Eigaho, Kaisei; Naimu, Mombu & Kosei Shorei Dai 37, Sept. Showa 14 (1940).
Eigaho, Kakurei, Naimu, Mombu, Kosei Shorei Dai 1, December, Showa 15 (1940).
Eigaho, Kakurei, Naimu, Mombu, Kosei Shorei Dai 1, June, Showa 16 (1941).
Eigaho, Fusoku: Shorei Dai 37, September, Showa 15 (1940).
Eigaho, Kakurei, Naimu, Mombu, Kosei Shorei Dai 1, April, Showa 18 (1943).
Eigaho, Kakurei, Naimu, Mombu, Kosei Shorei Dai 1, December, Showa 18 (1943).
Eigaho, Kakurei, Naimu, Mombu, Kosei Shorei Dai 1, January, Showa 19 (1944).
Eigaho, Fusoku; Kakurei, Shorei, Dai, December, Showa 15 (1940).
Eigaho, Fusoku; Shorei, Dai 1, June, Showa 16 (1941).
Eigaho, Fusoku; April 13, Showa 18 (1943).
6. In addition to rendering the foreign laws inoperative, necessary instructions will be issued to prefecture and metropolitan authorities, including police agencies, directing their repeal of any and all local censorship rules, regulations or laws, to insure that the spirit of the directives in observed by them.
7. Steps shall be taken to repeal the following Tokyo Metropolitan Police regulations:
a. “Metropolitan Police Station Officeal Publication (Supplement).
“April 1, 1944 Showa 19
Saturday—Metropolitan Police Rules #9. Rules and regulations governing all forms of public performances—April 1, 1944 (Showa 19)”
(Sections 1 to 95)
b. “Metropolitan Police Rule #10. Rules and Regulations governing all motion pictures—April 1, 1944 (Showa 19)”
(Sections 1 to 40)
c. “Public Morality #682—April 15, 1944 (Showa 19)
Notification of Rules and Regulations governing all public performances and motion pictures.”
(Sections 1 to 25)
“Rules and Regulations of executing the Motion Picture Law.”
(Sections 1 to 28)
These laws, rules or regulations give broad supervisory powers to the police, in addition to their censorship provisions. Such powers include deciding who shall work in the industry, passing on the financial condition of an owner, checking on the behavior or attitude of an employee, controlling the proportion of foreign films exhibited, preventing actors from walking on the street in stage costume, determining the issuance of passes, and examning the minutes of a stockholder’s meeting. These powers, no free people, can entrust to a police.
8. The few sections of these rules which deal with matters of Safety Regulations and Building and Zoning restrictions shall remain in effect until the Japanese Government shall re-enact such regulations for the protection and safety of the public against fire and structural hazards in the motion picture industry.
9. Necessary instructions will be issued to Prefectural Authorities including all police agencies, directing the repeal of any and all similar local rules, regulations or laws which conflict with the spirit or intent of this directive.
10. It is the purpose and intent of this directive to free the Japanese motion picture industry from government domination and to permit the industry to reflect the democratic aspirations of the Japanese people. In due time (when the Japanese motion picture companies have demonstrated good faith), it is envisaged that they will establish an industry-wide committee which will act as a policing agency.
11. The report required of the Japanese Government in paragraph 8 of the directive of 27 September will include a statement of action taken to comply with this directive.
/s/ H.W. Allen
Colonel, A.G.D.,
Asst Adjutant General.
一 「新聞、言論ノ自由ヘノ追加措置」ト題スル一九四五年九月二七日附聯合國最高司令官ノ指令ニ追加シ、日本政府ハニユース映畫ヲ含ム映畫ニ於ケル、言論ノ自由ニ加ヘラレタル平時並ニ戰時制限ノ實施ノタメノ諸手續ヲ直チニ無效ナラシムベキモノトス
二 「政治的、民事的及ビ宗敎的自由ニ對スル制限ノ撤廢」ト題スル一九四五年一〇月四日附指令モ亦コレニ適用スベキモノトス
三 映畫企業ニ制限ヲ加ヘ、宣傳ノ具ニ供セントスル諸法律ガ廢止サルルマデソノ實施ハ停止セラルベキモノトス
四 映畫會社、製作者、俳優、監督ソノ他映畫、若クハ合法的ナル劇場ニ雇ハレタル個人、若クハ個人ノ團體ニシテ合法的ナル言論ノ自由ヲ行フ者ニ對シテハ、日本政府ハ如何ナル刑罰的措置ヲモ採ラザルモノトス
五 本指令第一項及ビ第二項ニ列擧サレタル、最高司令官ノ指令ニ反スル下記ノ法律及ビ規則ニ付テハソノ撤廢ニ要スル措置ヲ採ルベキモノトス但シ斯ル法規ハ下記ノモノニ限ラルルモノニアラズ
映畫法 昭和一四年四月五日法律第六六號
改正映畫法 昭和一六年法律第三五號
改正映畫法附則 昭和一六年法律第三五號
改正映畫法施行令 昭和一四年九月二六日勅令第六六八號
改正映畫法施行令 昭和一五年勅令第九一六號
改正映畫法施行令附則 昭和一五年勅令第九一六號
改正映畫法施行規則 昭和一四年九月二七日內務・文部・厚生省令第一號
改正映畫法 昭和一四年九月內務・文部・厚生省令第七號
改正映畫法 昭和一五年一二月閣令、內務・文部・厚生省令第一號
改正映畫法 昭和一六年六月閣令、內務・文部・厚生省令第一號
改正映畫法附則 昭和一五年九月省令第三七號
改正映畫法 昭和一八年四月閣令、內務・文部・厚生省令第一號
改正映畫法 昭和一八年一二月閣令、內務・文部・厚生省令第一號
改正映畫法 昭和一九年一月閣令、內務・文部・厚生省令第一號
改正映畫法附則 昭和一五年一二月閣令、省令第一號
改正映畫法附則 昭和一六年六月省令第一號
改正映畫法附則 昭和一八年四月一三日省令第一號
六 上記法律ヲ無效ナラシムルニ引續キ警察機關ヲ含ム府縣及警視廳當局ニ對シ本指令ノ精神ヲ遵守セシムルタメ一切ノ地方檢閲規定、規則若クハ法律ヲ廢止セシムルニ必要ナル訓令ガ發セラルベキモノトス
七 下記ノ警視廳令ヲ撤廢スル措置ヲ採ルベキモノトス
イ 警視廳公報(附錄)昭和一九年四月一日(土)警視廳令第九號、興行取締規則昭和一九年四月一日(第一條乃至第九五條)
ロ 警視廳令第一〇號、映畫法施行細則昭和一九年四月一日(第一條乃至第四〇條)
ハ 公共道德第六八二號、昭和一九年四月一五日一切ノ興行及ビ映畫ニ關スル取締規則ノ通達(第一條乃至第二五條)
八 之等ノ法規中保安規則、建物並ニ地區制限ニ關スル若干ノ規定ハ、日本政府ガ映畫企業ニ於テ火災及ビ建築上ノ危險ヨリ公衆ヲ保護シ、安全ヲ圖ル目的ヲ以テ斯ル規則ヲ再ビ制定スルマデハ、ソノ效力ヲ維持スルモノトス
九 警察機關ノ總テヲ含ム府縣當局ニ對シ、本指令ノ精神若クハ意圖スルトコロニ反スル一切ノ地方ノ同樣ナル規定、規則若クハ法律ヲ廢止セシムルニ必要ナル指令ガ發セラルベキモノトス
一〇 本指令ノ目的ハ日本ノ映畫企業ヲ政府ノ支配ヨリ解放シ、日本國民ノ民主的要望ヲ反映スル企業タラシムルニアリ、適當ナル時期ニ(日本ノ各映畫會社ガ誠意ヲ示シタル時)、之等企業ガ統制的機能ヲ營ム全企業ヲ網羅スル委員會ヲ設置スルコトモ考フ得ベキモノトス
一一 九月二七日ノ指令第八項ニヨリ日本政府ガ提出ヲ求メラレタル報吿書ハ、本指令ニ基キ採ラレタル措置ニ關スル報吿ヲ含ムモノトス
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